A note on county's landfill
Dear editor,
In 1996, when Elmore County was approached with a request to establish a commercial garbage facility, it was an unfavorable business to everyone in the County. Even with that understanding, the County was advised by legal counsel and our Planning and Zoning that the regulations allowed for such a facility, and by law this type of business could be established, even with citizenry objections.
At that point, after examining other like facilities in the Northwest, the County's position became one of how to build the most benefits and protections for Elmore County as an agreement with IWS came into place.
Following are some of the benefits outlined in the original contract due Elmore County from Idaho Waste Systems, along with set protections for the County from Idaho Waste Systems. Among the benefits:
* $10,000 each year in scholarships to Elmore County high school graduates
* $10,000 each year in community service projects
* $10,000 each year in environmental projects and now Senior Citizen's Centers
* First employment opportunities to citizens of Elmore County
* Site manager to live in Elmore County
* IWS to put the first $300,000 into development of a transfer station at the Bennett Road Land Fill
* IWS to haul and bury the first 60 tons per day of sub-title D waste from Bennett Road Landfill at no cost to Elmore County
Monthly mitigation fees to Elmore County at the rate of:
* 3 percent gross disposal charge of up to $29.99 per ton,
* 4 percent gross disposal charge between $30 to $40 per ton,
* 5 percent gross disposal charge between $40 to $50 per ton,
* 6 percent of gross disposal charge over $50 per ton
Among the protections:
* Pay the cost of an employee of the county to ensure compliance with the Conditional Use Permit and mitigation agreement
* Make IWS records available to Elmore County for inspection
* Provide $2,000,000 bond to County for closure costs should it be necessary to close the site
* Pay 50 cents per each ton received by IWS to be held in escrow until such escrow reaches $2,000,000 to replace the bond
* Meet the regulations and standards of the Federal EPA
* Meet the regulations and standards of Idaho State DEQ
* Meet the regulations and standards of the Central District Health Department
In addition to these benefits and protections, IWS pays property taxes in excess of $20,000.00 each year. Over the years, IWS has paid more than $750,000 toward the benefit requirements.
Hopefully, this information will create better understanding regarding Elmore County and its contractual agreement with Idaho Waste Systems.
-- Barry Peterson