Letter to the Editor

Medical foundation says thanks

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Dear editor,

The St. Luke's Elmore Foundation Board would like to thank Vicki Bermensolo and all the wonderful members of the Mountain Home Fire Department for their efforts to raise money for Breast Cancer screenings. Their T-shirt project was very creative and a wonderful way to raise money and increase awareness.

The T-shirts were sold at community events, including Air Force Appreciation Day and at Sav Mor Drug. The $3,225 in proceeds have been donated to the St. Luke's Elmore Foundation and will be used to help pay for breast cancer screening exams and mammograms for women who are unable to afford those services.

The SLE Foundation Board is grateful to all the community members who supported our fire department in this effort. It is another fine example of the wonderful caring spirit that embraces our community.


St. Luke's Elmore Board of Directors -- Connie Cruiser, Jeanna Still, Nancie Brininger, Debra Brito, Larry Ashcraft, Bud Corbus, Shirley Rist, Mildred McNeal, Dale Smith, Patrick Cruser, Anna Hissong and Armand Hebert

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