How concepts of justice are manipulated
Dear editor:
Is our criminal justice system being used as a political instrument to enforce a transformational narrative -- one that divides the population, grows The State, transfers wealth and outlaws dissent?
Do you recall the name, Mike Nifong? He was the elected prosecutor who filed charges in the Duke University Lacrosse team's rape hoax.
No matter how loud Al Sharpton cried and how much louder the complicit media amplified his voice, the facts won out and the hoax was revealed. Nifong left office in disgrace and Sharpton was given his usual pass.
The Duke University students were pushed into the churning gears of the media-driven court of public opinion and the criminal "justice" system. They were offered as sacrifices to feed the narrative, but when the lie imploded the story was dropped. The same could be said about the media coverage of other hoaxes like Tawana Brawley (a Sharpton creation that made it to a grand jury) and the James Byrd copycat hoax that followed the actual horrific car dragging murder.
Remember the 2002 Beltway Snipers? How disappointed the media were when the suspects did not match the forecast. The narrative called for "angry white males," but they got two angry black males; one of whom was Muslim. The story was dropped abruptly.
The media are so anxious to find evidence to feed their narrative that they jumped the gun on George Zimmerman. They profiled him. Based on his surname and neighborhood they assumed he was white. Once the switch was flipped they could not turn it off and cast Zimmerman "by proxy" in the role of a white villain.
But when the facts about his political orientation and racial makeup began to leak, the narrative was in jeopardy.
The storyline had to morph and conform to the assigned roles of victims and suspect. First, NBC (admittedly) spliced police dispatch audio in order to mischaracterize Zimmerman to sound as though Trayvon Martin's race was the lone factor behind his call to police. Then, out of desperation to keep the narrative from derailing, the media resorted to describing Zimmerman as "white-Hispanic."
If Zimmerman would have been perceived as a victim he would have been described by the media simply as "Hispanic." If Zimmerman had been accepted to Harvard he would have been described as "Hispanic." If Zimmerman would have been the subject of excessive police force he would have been described as "Hispanic." The Left controls the language. The hyphenated racial adjective "white-Hispanic" was engineered to rescue the narrative.
If the pieces do not fit, get a bigger hammer. Enter Angela Cory, the "special prosecutor" appointed by the state of Florida. She used a sledge hammer to smash a square peg into a round hole entirely for political purposes after the county prosecutor did the right thing by not filing charges on Zimmerman due to lack of evidence.
While Cory promised "justice" the public was fed heavy doses of misinformation for a year leading up to the trial. Countless times pictures of a cute, All-American looking, 12-year-old Trayvon Martin were shown rather than the formidable, 17-year-old, tattoo-faced, self-described thug he was at the time of the incident. Trayvon was not on track to be the next Dr. Ben Carson or Maurice Ashley for sure, but you would never have known that by watching the news. My point: media propaganda and the psychological intimidation of political correctness have police, judges and prosecutors increasingly pulled into the irrational tide of selective outrage. Consequently, our criminal justice system is compromised; it is advancing "social justice." When decoded this means revolution.
Social Justice is a Marxist construct. There is either "justice" or "injustice." There is no such thing as "social justice."
Tied to the false narrative, its aim is to redistribute wealth by creating the victim mindset of entitlement among one half of the population and the yielding force of guilt in the other.
Amplifying the narrative we have a meddler-in-chief who injects himself in local issues he has no constitutional business or authority to comment on.
Recall the Cambridge University incident where President Obama said the police acted "stupidly" and more recently saying if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin. The stature of the Office of President and the U.S. Attorney General are fully engaged in spin and punishing their political rivals. Think of the IRS targeting the Tea Party and more recently the DOJ going after Dinesh D'Souza, the director of the 2012 documentary "2016: Obama's America" for allegedly making an excessive campaign contribution.
Meanwhile, Eric Holder was blind to the knockout game (AKA "polar bear hunting") until the offender/victim roles were reversed in one incident where a white male attacked a black male. The scales fell off of Holder's eyes and the white offender was swiftly charged federally with a "hate crime." We are watching political theater.
From the oval office to the elementary schools the Left conditions us to replace reason with emotion and fact with fiction. They stoke the flames of class envy and racial strife by using lies, revisionist history, high-tech faux news propaganda, selective outrage, suppression of truth and inflammatory rhetoric. They divide.
The Left pushes the reigning narrative casting the roles of victims and suspect. There are just enough truths woven in the narrative that their premise sounds credible when fed in doses of sound bites to the vacuum of the ignorant. Consequently, the Left has moved unopposed to demanding "equal results": a forced redistribution of wealth in the name of social justice. They silence the opposition by using their patent on the terms racist and racism. The first they wield as a sword, the later as a shield.
The narrative replaces independent thought. Followers scratch their heads at black members of the much maligned Tea Party. What can these black people possibly have in common with the majority-white "Tea Baggers?"
They cannot comprehend the kindred spirit found in reason, rational thought, and traditional values that are so inviting to black conservatives and transcend the Left's (taught) obsession with racial division. The architects of the narrative cannot tolerate black Tea Party conservatives because they could cause an uprising on what Star Parker calls, Uncle Sam's Plantation. This is why the Left dodges debate. They keep to the talking points and ad hominem attacks aimed at black conservatives like Allen West, Walter Williams, Alan Keyes and many others.
Oh, but the end is not pretty for the followers; people Lenin called, "useful idiots." They are the first to go. Why? They hold the highest expectation for the revolution. This rapidly turns to disappointment. Disappointment turns to anger. Angry groups that once were treated as virtuous victims and lead by community organizers become a threat to the very government they put in power. The majority of followers are dependent on government. They are a burden and a threat to the new regime. They will see what real intolerance and hatred are just as have tens upon tens of millions beguiled and then killed by communism in the 20th Century.
What is the remedy? Behave like free people. Stop running from labels. Stand up for your faith. Do not censor yourself. Challenge the propaganda your children bring home from school. Help others decode the narrative. Seek the truth. Speak the truth lovingly. Love and truth are more powerful than hate and deception. Finally, vet the character of the people you elect as: governor, attorney general, judge, superintendent of public instruction, mayor, prosecutor and sheriff.
Will their oaths withstand the mind-bending, Stalinist tactics pulling our country apart? Will they refuse to be a pawn and a tool of racial division? Will they hold to the facts and treat everyone as equally precious and accountable? Will they reject the narrative prism through which every spoken word, textbook, and news story is measured, spun, redacted or censored? Will they champion liberty, truth and justice for all thereby restoring The Rule of Law?
-- Doug Traubel