Gotta love the people of Idaho
Dear editor:
The Christmas Spirit is already alive and well in Mountain Home, or call it just plain old Christian kindness.
There was a couple standing on the side of the road today by Wendy's, "panhandling" if you would. Their car was loaded to the hilt and carrying a New Mexico license plate.
A young lady stopped her car and got out to talk with them, and then the three of them went into Wendy's. She bought the couple some food and drinks. (I actually think she was a Wendy's employee on her way home.)
You read stories like this all the time, but this was my first to witness. I was touched by the kindness and generosity shown by this young lady, probably to total strangers in need.
I remember one time being on the side of the road with the car hood up (heading into Valley County), just checking things out, and at least four people stopped to see if we needed help.
Gotta love Idaho and Idahoans, native or adopted!
-- Melva McKenzie