Obama is not a true American
Dear editor:
I read with interest your editorial dated Sept. 25 called Time for the Crises to End.
I agree it should end as the people do not want socialism as Obama does. Obamacare is a socialistic program that is not wanted in America.
We are a free nation. We the people want to keep the best health care in the world. Other countries have this socialist medicine and it is not working there. I have seen on the world news people standing in line to see a doctor. If they are too sick to stand in line they have to go back and die. We the people do not want that in our great land. Obamacare is not for the USA. It is a socialist thing this anti-American president wants.
Obama is not a true American. I saw him on the news on television not put his hand over his heart when the pledge to our flag was said.
Obamacare is not for America, the land of the free. Most Americans agree with me. Obama needs to understand we are free in America, we are not a socialist nation. We are a free people that love our freedom.
The Republicans want us to remain free and so do I. This Obama so-called care would take away our freedom to chose our own doctor. America is the land of the free, it is not a socialist nation even though our president is a socialist. We the people want to stay free. Obama does not like America, he only wants power. I did not vote for him.
Mitt Romney would have been a good president. He offered to help Obama as he loves America. He offered to help Obama as he loves our country, not just the office. It showed them shacking hands after the election. But as far as I can, Obama never asked for his help. Romney would have been a good president. I heard on the news Romney would have won if it was not for the electoral college. We do not need the electoral college anymore now that we have computers to count the votes. The electoral college are several men who could be bribed. I hope we can disband them. We need to write our representives and tell them to disband the electoral college as we do not need it anymore.
-- Barbara J. Larson