Church suit will hurt city
Dear editor:
Last week's front page story about a lawsuit settled out of court against the City of Mountain Home has the ripple effect of a very smooth stone thrown by a Chicago law firm.
I have learned the spokesman for the No Limits Christian Ministries Church is our former mayor of Mountain Home and not a member of this church!
I can't help but ask -- what were you thinking?
The conditional permit was concerned about the parking area and aged septic tank of the building and two other problems not included in the news story.
Instead of fixing (solving) the problems, the church chose to "sue" our city (and its taxpayers) and we will end up paying some $80,000 out of the 2011-2012 general funds.
From what I am told "our" federal law forbids us to have "conditional use talks" with churches about their toilets, parking lots or ethics?
I am sure that the members of the No Limits Christian Church prayed before they decided to seek help from the Chicago law firm and now their membership understands the consequences' of their actions.
Their lawyers and our lawyers will end up with $56,000, while the church ends up with $24,000.
The ripple effect of this "legal" decision will impact the taxpayer, children and our elderly by changing no longer available funding for the city programs such as the Youth Center and possibly the local bus company.
At this point, it would be helpful and healing if the membership of the No Limits Christian Ministries Church and other churches pray for guidance in helping these programs survive the consequence of this ripple effect.
Wouldn't that be what the Lord Jesus Christ would want us to do by uniting in an effort to stand in the gap?
Marsha Sellers