Public opposed to Mayfield project
Dear editor:
The first of the Mayfield planned communities is entering the home stretch for either approval or disapproval by the Elmore County commissioners.
Public comment so far has been overwhelmingly opposed to this project. What concerns me is the small numbers of Elmore county residents who are willing to get involved with this issue. If this planned community is approved and initiated there will be a significant and negative impact for all county residents, no matter where you reside.
I believe that this planned community is a bad idea and located in the wrong place. This planned community is not in compliance with the county's own growth and development plan in several significant areas.
In addition, it will impact on an existing major winter grazing area for deer and elk. The availability of adequate water for not only the planned community, but for all of Elmore County, is in doubt.
If approved, I believe that this planned community will not only be a failure but a spectacular failure.
I am not aware of any real estate forecasts that lead me to believe that this planned community has any chance of success. I predict that what will actually be built will be a small subdivision numbering less than 30 homes that will have to be provided all of the basic services that the county provides to existing residents.
County revenues are stretched to the breaking point already, and this community will only add to the overall problem.
I urge residents of the county to get involved with this issue. It's not too late to contact your county commissioners with your views. This issue is too important to ignore.
-- Gene Wilson, Mayfield area resident