Letter to the Editor

Russell remains a fine public servant

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dear editor:

This letter is in support of Mark Russell. I have known Mark since we were both stationed at Mountain Home Air Force Base together in the '70s and '80s.

I have always known Mark to be of the highest quality of a public servant, including the years he served as a Mountain Home City Councilman and as Director of Elmore County Planning and Zoning.

Mark is a person that all of Elmore County can be proud of due to his dedication to treating everyone fairly and honestly.

His record of public service is a testimony to his dedication to getting the job done on time and within budget. Mark's vast experience in both government and private industry will allow him to bring a wide array of knowledge and practical experience to a very important part of Elmore County government.

I am proud to support Mark Russell for County Assessor.

Mike Grimmett