Schools should change way of teaching PE
Dear editor:
I believe that the Mountain Home School District board of trustees should look at the following proposal:
Eliminate the physical education classes during normal school hours, 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., and replace it with a mandatory varied schedule of physical activity from 3:15-5:15 p.m. each day. This would be conducted outside and supervised by the existing physical education teacher with the help of volunteers and seniors.
The student would get more variety of physical activities -- soccer running, flag football, etc. They would get to actually interact with one another and form teams and learn to cooperate in competitive small events.
The cell phones and texting would be set aside, as they would be able to and forced to actually confront each other, which is what they actually want.
It will also help in reducing childhood obesity and get our children back in good shape.
Since they will be held to 5:15 p.m. many will simply walk home, others will arrive home when the parents are home and able to supervise their activities better.
This would be beneficial to grade-school-age children as well, since they would not have to go to day care as the parents may be home at this time.
This is subject to modification but please consider the basic proposal and discuss it.
Arnie Borreson