Candidates need to give nuke stands
Dear editor:
Spring has come to Southern Idaho, the grass is greening, trees are budding and blooming and the wing has increased its intensity.
Election season has also arrived. As evidenced by the sudden appearance of political placards. Overnight these announcements appear along our roadsides and at busy intersection. Only the candidates name and the office they seek can be learned from these announcements.
How do we learn more of what these candidates have to offer on the important issues facing Elmore County voters?
I certainly want to know what all the candidates think about the proposed nuclear power plant!
In an embarrassing display of inaction, Commissioners Rose, Cruiser and Shaw voted to send a decision on this important issue back to Planning and Zoning. Are their actions a vote for or against the nuclear plant? A simple yes or no would be helpful.
What is candidate Wooten's stance on this issue? Again a simple yes or no. Independent commissioner candidate Doug King told me two years ago that he needed to know, "what the proposal was" before he could make a comment or take a position. There have been plenty of hearings and formal meetings and presentations on this issue. Once again, take a position, yes or no. The voters need to know.
This is a very important issue for the future of Elmore County. I would hope that all the candidates seeking our votes will be informed and have a definitive answer on this issue. It is critical that the newspapers of Elmore County, The Glenns Ferry Gazette and Mountain Home News, ask and get straight answers from the candidates on the nuclear power plant proposal. Allowing political posturing such as special conditions or requirements to be met on this proposal shouldn't be tolerated. A simple yes or no will do.
Nathan Jones, King Hill