More details released on upcoming F-35 hearings

The Air Force will host four public hearings across the region, starting Feb. 16, to highlight the possibility of basing its next-generation fighter program in southern Idaho.
During each meeting, Air Force representatives from Langley Air Force Base, Va., will provide information on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, answer questions from the public and accept comments on issues or concerns regarding basing the aircraft in Idaho.
"Public involvement and input has been, and continues to be, an essential component to the Air Force's (environmental impact statement) process," according to a statement released by Mountain Home Air Force Base on Monday. The Air Force uses the scoping meetings to development the environmental impact statement, or EIS.

The "open house" scoping meetings run from 6 to 8 p.m. The public is invited to attend anytime within these hours at the following locations:
Feb. 16 -- Grand View Elementary School, 205 1st Street, Grand View
Feb. 17 -- Boise State University Student Union Building Barnwell Room, 1910 University Dr., Boise
Feb. 18 -- College of Southern Idaho Student Union Building North Cafeteria, 315 Falls Ave., Twin Falls
Feb. 19 -- Hacker Middle School, 550 East Jackson, Mountain Home
In addition, the Air Force needs all public input for the draft EIS by March 1. Those wanting to mail comments or provide their input should send them to Ms. Sheryl Parker, HQ ACC/A7PS, 129 Andrews St, Room 337, Langley AFB, VA 23665-2769.
For more information on this story, check this week's edition of the Mountain Home News.