Vote Lanham for mayor of Glenns Ferry
Dear editor:
We all have seen the loss of employment in Glenns Ferry. We all have been witness to a gradual deterioration of the appearance of the town over the last 28 years.
Consequently, our citizens have moved away, our graduating students have been forced elsewhere, and property pride slip.
For the first time in years, we are now seeing this start to turn around but how many voters have seriously considered what it has taken?
It has taken leadership, leadership that is backed up with education and a progressive mind.
It has taken leadership that has stood fast to the challenges of what was right and what was not right for Glenns Ferry.
It has taken leadership with a sincere interest in the betterment and future of Glenns Ferry, without interest in personal gain, status or representing special interests.
It has taken leadership that has been willing to work with and encourage groups such as the Revitalization Committee in starting to restore appearance and pride in our community.
It has taken leadership with the expertise to interface with other governmental agencies to obtain grants and reach agreements beneficial to Glenns Ferry.
It has taken leadership to start setting the stage for businesses and the employees of such businesses to be attracted to locating and living in the Glenns Ferry area.
But most importantly, it has taken leadership representing Glenns Ferry in a dignified, knowledgeable, and professional manner for the last four years.
There is only one candidate on the ballot with these credentials: our current mayor, JoAnne Lanham. If you want Glenns Ferry to survive, I urge all voters to support JoAnne for the next critical four years.
A.C. Likes