Police were wrong to tell AFAD spectators to move
Dear editor:
I was enlisted in the Air Force stationed here in Mountain Home and can appreciate what the town does to celebrate and show appreciation to its military. I have been watching the AFAD parade for 25+ years. I do whatever I can to be there for it and show my support.
This year we had a issue that I think should be brought to light.
Each year a large number of us watch from the private parking lot of La Mode Cleaners/Sunset Bar. We partake in an adult beverage while watching from this parking lot (not on the sidewalk), like we have done for more than 25+ years. We were told to stop what we were doing by Officer Viola and to go into the bar. He also told the owner of the property to do the same.
I did not know that this town has gotten so big like Boise we forget we are a small town. What's next, our front yards are off limits as well?
Not sure if the new mayor or the new police chief are the ones pushing this but, I have got to tell you this stinks. We allow one group to act in a way and not another based on those with the authority.
I have nothing against law enforcement. I know many on the force and have the utmost respect, but this was just stupid.
This was a special event. People were watching out for each other, but I guess we want to lose the small city charm and be like Boise.
My wife was born and raised here, my kids as well and I have been here since 1981 and let me tell you, it might be time to move or flush out all those who want this to be like Boise. I just think it stinks.
Next time you ask for support it just might not come. Good luck, you have lost another supporter.
Curtis Duncan