City may acquire wind turbine

Friday, June 19, 2009

City council is thinking of spending approximately $20,000 for a wind turbine.

No decision has been made, and Mayor Rist mentioned that at the next council meeting he would like the council members to see a presentation in regards to wind-turbines and the city acquiring one to save money.

Currently there are no city ordinances in regards to safety, visual, noise or height of turbines within city limits, and that's a concern council had.

"Pretty much anyone can put a wind-turbine in their yard and we cannot say anything," Rist said.

Rist also mentioned that much more research would need to be done on the wind turbines so that the city could impose and have some ordinances in place before building one.

"Safety, visual and property values really need to be addressed. If someone puts a wind turbine in housing areas it could effect the whole neighborhood," said Rist.

The council agreed that they would like to see the presentation and that they would like to have time to look at the research of the wind turbines so if someone decides to put a turbine up in their front yard, they would be on top of it.

A turbine inside the city already is planned at McKenna Charter High School.

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    Ok so the city might have $20k for a turbine but they want to charge everyone and extra $2 per household to maintain street lights and fix drains. Does this not sit well with anyone else? While I have no problem paying for the maintenance of the city, I do have problems doing it when the city might have an extra $20k laying around. Sorry had to vent some on this one.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Fri, Jun 19, 2009, at 6:40 AM
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    I'd wanna know how long it will take to recoup the $20K after the windmill starts working. And what will be the maintenance cost. Will it truly be worth it. I'm pretty sure they won't be able to put one of the LARGE ones up like we have east of town.

    -- Posted by mhbouncer on Fri, Jun 19, 2009, at 9:28 AM
  • I too would like to see the numbers. If it is able to at least pay for itself, then I am all for it. depending on maintenance costs, I think over the long run it should be able to do what it was intended for, bring down operating costs for the city. If more such initiatives are found that could work, maybe we can keep that maintenance fee at $2 and not see it go up in the near future. I for one don't like paying any more than I have to...

    -- Posted by technomancer on Sat, Jun 20, 2009, at 2:19 PM
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