Vote for the party
Dear editor:
I am writing to express my strong disagreement and disgust with your editorial board's recommendation in the Oct. 22 edition entitled "Time for changes."
I will start by saying that it's always much more convenient to publish these suggestions as a "board" rather than attaching any one person's name to such recommendations. Too bad, because I'd like to tell the individual responsible for the inane idea expressed in "the board urges voters to actually skip that race (presidential) on the ballot".
What you are saying is that because you don't like the qualities of either of the two candidates, we should give up our right (and obligation, if we are citizens who care about the direction of our country) to support the political party that best supports those values that we hold vital to the health, prosperity and security of this nation!
And I call that just what it is; "Stupid." Shame on you for such a careless non-endorsement. One vote not cast for the candidate from the party you most closely agree with is actually a vote for the opponent.
People love to blame the ills of our country on individuals, forgetting that this republic is run by representatives of the people; not by by any one congressman, senator or president.
I surely hope that you will use better judgement in the future when making "editorial board" recommendations on how and for whom "We the people" should vote.
Bob Benbough