WECRD made huge strides once Whitney resigned
Dear editor:
I personally will not be voting for Mrs. Whitney. I sat under her leadership during the creation of the Blue Ribbon Committee. Sure she was organized and dedicated to the position for which I believe she was getting paid for.
However, when the committee voted unanimously to go a different direction then her own views she resigned. It was exactly the same time the City of Mountain Home stopped supporting the group in its entirety. They did a little here and there but believed the committee needed to find its own way and monies to support their plan of building a multi-purpose family community center.
This was not a bad thing it actually turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to the group. They accomplished huge strides. The group finally was able to move forward, find the funds. Now Ms. Whitney wants to be involved again.
A business plan was developed, may I add primarily by Mollie Marsh. This in itself is a huge undertaking. In fact this plan was so good; I being the co-chair at the time received several calls from other communities wanting a copy.
Next on the list was to make sure the community was committed to building an indoor recreation center. That is when the question to form the Recreation District was placed on the ballot.
Trust me it was not an easy endeavor, but once again due to Mollie's great leadership and organization skills the community was allowed a say in what direction they wanted to go with their recreation opportunities.
By voting yes to form the Western Elmore County Recreation District (WECRD) it allowed the all volunteer committee to further their commitment to building a multi-purpose recreation facility for all age groups to enjoy.
The original directors, Mollie Marsh, Doug Belt and Larry Heinen along with the newest director appointed and than elected to replace Mr. Heinen have moved forward.
* Followed the Idaho Code and Federal Code while conducting day to day operations. Annual Budget hearings, elections, and monthly board meetings. All of which were advertised as required by law.
* Fine tuned the business plan.
* Pursued other funding options.
* Purchased Land (Debt Free).
* Brought other recreational opportunities to the community that was not a duplicate of services, such as the judo program, recreation programs for teens and tweens (RAFT), and adult and children fun walks (all of which were working with Parks and Recreation, School District, Elmore Medical Center and Boise YMCA).
* Awarded close to $5,000 grant for programming.
* Made several public presentations at different organizations, community events, block home parties and whenever requested.
* Awarded federal appropriations.
* Ready to build stage 1 of the Mountain Home Community Center.
Now ask yourself if nothing has been done. All of these steps take long hours for which these directors do not get paid to do. All of which have always been open to the public to view or be a part of.
Since moving to Mountain Home all I have heard is Mountain Home will not allow anything good to come into the city? It is controlled by one group. Well, here is your opportunity to let this group know what you want as a community. Vote for Mollie Marsh and you will see this recreation center with an indoor pool. Vote for Leanna and you will see your tax dollars applied elsewhere, such things as possibly the city golf course.
It takes a community to make it happen, so go vote on Nov. 4.
Don't let just a few people decide what we want as a community. Get out and VOTE!
Teri Smith