WECRD supporter invites Bermensolo to swim in pool
Dear editor:
How could this replication have failed to catch your eagle eye?
Two letters to the editor by Alan Bermensolo regarding the recreation district were exact duplicates, with changes only in the headlines and paragraphing (Sept. 24 and Oct. 15). If Mr. Bermensolo wanted your readers to see repeated information, he should have used an ad. Of course, ads cost money while letters to the editor are free.
(Editor's note: No excuses. I should have caught that. We've been getting so many letters recently it just went right past me).
Mr. Bermensolo's primary concern seems to be the WECRD's change from the original $34.50 yearly fee per household to a levy-based yearly tax assessment. Both funding methods were specified on the voter-approved 2000 ballot. So, for five years the households paid 100 percent of the funding for the recreation center. No businesses paid tax until 2008.
Why the change in assessment? In 2007 two things became apparent to the WECRD directors:
1. The community was dissatisfied that no facility had been started, and that progress needed to be accelerated.
2. The business community was not going to donate funding to the project. Now businesses must pay their share, particularly out-of-state companies whose profits are partially generated here.
Mr. Bermensolo's other concern seems to be the on-going financial viability of the recreation center. Let me address that. The WECRD board hired Green Play, a well-recognized recreation analysis company, to develop an operational budget and five-year projection of the sustainability of our investment. The 10-page report covers everything: staff, instructors, pool supplies, maintenance, lifeguards, insurance, equipment, utilities, childcare, fees, etc. The fees are broken down to include: in-district, out-of-district, military, families, singles, seniors, youth, monthly memberships, daily admission, even scholarships for low-income users. It's all there.
Now here is something really interesting. According to a letter sent by Mr. Bermensolo to fellow business owners on Oct. 2, 2008, "Leanna has committed to ME (my emphasis)... to change the taxing back to the $34.50 annual living unit assessment...."
People, "living unit assessment" means your households. Why would any average homeowner want to elect Ms. Whitney as a new director who is committed to exempting businesses from their fair share of the taxes, resulting in less revenue available to accelerate this project?
Mollie Marsh has devoted an unpaid ten years of her life to this dream for our community. Don't let someone who has never attended a WECRD board meeting take this dream away from us.
After we open, perhaps Mr. Bermensolo can take a few laps in our pool and appreciate the benefits of this special community asset.
Sandy Pitts