City considers impact fee hike

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The city will hold a public hearing meeting to amend the city's capital improvement plan component of the city comprehensive plan and the city's impact fees as presented in the revised CIP plan, at 6 p.m. on Sept. 22.

It's expected to be a contentious hearing as developers object to the significant hikes in impact fees being proposed.

The proposed changes will increase the amount collected from impact fees from $657 to $6,737 on residential dwellings to cover 10 years of growth. Nonresidential fees would be $9.42 per square foot.

For more information, see the Mountain Home News.

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  • Hello, Im wondering why it is never published whare the meetings are being held??

    My husbend and I find it difficult getting to one

    when we do not know whare it is held.

    -- Posted by Green Eyed Lady on Sun, Sep 21, 2008, at 9:47 PM
  • The locations of the meetings and public hearings are:

    1. Posted at City Hall

    2. Published in the Mountain Home News, in the legal notices.

    3. Posted on the front (main) page of the Mountain Home News website:

    The locations for almost all meetings of the city are at City Hall, in the city council chambers.

    Sadly, the last few public hearings have been sparsely attended, if at all. I hope you, and many others, will attend, and offer your input. The more the merrier!

    -- Posted by Councilman Schroeder on Mon, Sep 22, 2008, at 10:10 AM
  • I will be unable to attned this evenings public hearing. However, I fully support what the current Mayor and City Council members are doing in this area. We, as a community, have lagged behind what should have been taking place far too long. I'm sure the developers who will be in attendance will present some very agruments, but the bottom line is the developers will simply pass the increase along to the end consumer rather than allow it to affect their bottom line by absorbing the increase themselves. Simple business, simple economics.

    Best wishes,

    -- Posted by Albert Clement on Mon, Sep 22, 2008, at 3:38 PM
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