Three Island Crossing dangerous to animals
Dear editor:
Several years ago, two horses died, rigged up to pull wagons (at the Three Island Crossing event). This year, if memory serves, it was a mule.
How many animals must die crossing the Snake River in this show before this supposed educational entertainment is cancelled until provisions are in place to prevent this from ever happening again?
Those in attendance are desensitizing themselves to care about the lives of poor dumb animals. What difference does it make that people might have been upset at the time if it is allowed to happen by default -- nothing is in place to ensure that machinery is nearby to haul animals out of the water or mud, if they get stuck.
If nothing can be done, then let's stop the crossing. It once had a purpose. I'm sure animals died crossing. Now it's a community event. So were the acts at the Roman Coliseum.
Let's be responsible, caring people, and please, please stop the crossing until special harnesses and machinery are in place to haul out animals in danger of losing their lives.
This is possible!
Joan Hobbs