Obama's inexperience makes him as dangerous as Hitler
Dear editor:
Subject -- A lesson for all.
Once upon a time, in a land of not-so-make believe, people felt downtrodden, sad, discouraged, a grim trail lying ahead.
Seemingly out of the abyss, came a man with a message, a ray of hope in a nation of gloom. He identified with the common man and found a small following. He "felt their pain," be promised much, promised "change."
A dynamic orator, he held his audiences spellbound, his dreams and visions became theirs, as their ranks turned from hundreds to millions. There was a sense of honor and national pride as the people bonded together and threw their trust, belief and support behind this great "light in a field of despair."
Although he never outlined his plans of economical and social enhancement, and none of his speeches contained anything tangible, his delivery was powerful, captivating, and able to unite an entire nation. Men were proud, women were starry-eyed in his presence and children emulated him. One goal, one purpose, pride and national unity was the theme as the multitudes of the mob-following masses held their charismatic leader in the highest esteem, trust and adoration.
A few years later, as his country lay devastated, this flamboyant with the gift of gab, shot himself in his bunker 60 feet below the streets of Berlin.
Obama is not Hitler, nor is he a tyrant or dictator, but his inexperience makes him just as dangerous as "Der Fuhrer" if not more so, because not knowing a whole lot about potentially running a nation, he will be FORCED to take his lead from a lot of cronies who have their own career-long agendas that do NOT include the best interests of you and I.
To attain this kind of control, they need the White House, along with the Congress they already have. Bush's blunderings and McCain's willingness to continue them have made it an easy target for the Democrats, who need only a smooth-talking "breath of fresh air" to rally the voters.
Obama THINKS this is his campaign, he's his own man, etc. His supporters THINK they're voting for HIM.
In reality, his party is using him as a pawn, taking full advantage of his charm and speaking skills. If he pulls it off, his Oval Office will be infested with people like Biden, Feinstein, Lautenberg, Schumer, Bloomberg, Pelosi, Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore and God only knows who else. They'll all be telling the young new president what he needs to do. What experience can he call upon to do differently? He won't know if be's being misled or not. It's a mystery movie, and it is WE who'll be forced to pay the price of admission. Think before you mark.
Mike Bradbury