Couny officials need to do more to create jobs
Dear editor:
I hear a lot of complaining from people in Mountain Home about the lack of jobs. Let's take a look at what is out there.
Glenns Ferry is basically dead. Hammett has nothing. Mountain Home has the cheese factory and then the minimum wage jobs of Walmart and fast food joints. The rest of the county has absolutely nothing to offer.
The opportunities that have been passed up in this county is inexcusable. Buck knives, Verizon call center, Cabelas, etc. When will the city and county elected officials realize that this county is turning into a dead zone.
Our graduating students have nothing to look forward to if they decide to stay here, except welfare and minimum wage jobs. There are no jobs here that take a brain to do! Even the county jobs don't pay very well! Owyhee County, which has an approximate total residency as that of the population of just Mountain Home, pays better than Elmore County.
Right now Mountain Home is a retirement town for middle aged and older people. Mountain Home needs to keep our young and be attractive enough to bring in younger people. The only young people here are military and most of them do not stay long and look forward to getting out of here.
I certainly hope that this county wakes up before it is too late. Let new job opportunities come to this county. County and city decision makers need to start looking at the future of our children and grandchildren. Stop being what the community calls themc such as "the good ole boys club" and the "shifty fifty club."
So, start with approving the Nuclear plant and go forward. Seek out new horizons to bring in to this county what it needs to give the people here opportunity, choices and a chance to better themselves and this county. Start doing your job so we can have jobs!
Darla Detweiler