Bond important for community
Dear editor:
As educators, we have often questioned or debated the connection between extracurricular activities and learning. But, there is little left to doubt that the community spirit and support for all students grows around great programs that allow students to participate and apply their books to their lives and develop as people. Sports, performing arts, visual arts and supporters of these events give all students a voice in their school and therefore their learning.
As a community, we seem to agree that the junior high needs to expand to a high school, and we need to make it happen. The question is around the gym (required) and the auditorium. It's a serious oversight to think that the component for the high school bond that includes a competition gym and auditorium doesn't influence our kids in school and their learning. It's a necessary and practical component of high school facilities across the nation (even little towns much smaller than Mountain Home).
There are no frills or extra costs included in the plans for a completed high school. A diverse community-represented committee met on their volunteer hours while consulting with architects, touring school facilities, and evaluating the needs of the educational community. The school bond addresses the true needs of students.
We will vote yes for this school bond for our children and for their children and for all children. Let's support a cause where we can see the difference! Consider our children that are there every day, and our community groups continuing to enjoy the fruits of these buildings as they are able to grow as well.
Having been heavily involved in the Mountain Home Arts Council for the last decade, we can tell you that the facilities will benefit all ages, and all groups of our community. An auditorium can literally change the face of an organization involving the performing arts. This is an organization that continually looks to support the local community and make this an excellent place to call home.
The schools have and will continue to include professional artists in the schools cooperating with the Arts Council, and then share in presenting the performance to the public as well. Honestly, it's amazing to consider the level of work that is brought in artistically, what local talent is influenced and develops as well as how much the school district does to support the council's events.
Other community organizations, especially the city's recreation programs, utilize all the gyms, classrooms and fields all the time. People keep wishing there would be collaboration, and there is. Invest in this important vision.
The needs are real, they're here, and the costs will only go up. We can act now, spend wisely and save money. Invest in our community and in its future! The rewards are great!
Rich and Rhonda Urquidi