Raines named early childhood educator of the year

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Base Primary teacher Kerrie Raines was named the early childhood educator of the year by the Treasure Valley Association for the Education of Young Children on April 17.

Raines teaches early childhood special education preschool at the Base Primary school.

The association is the local chapter of the National Association for the Education of Young Children serving the membership of the southwest region of Idaho.

Raines said it was an honor to be selected as the early childhood educator of the year.

She has worked in her current position for three years. Before that she taught special education at Mountain Home Junior High School. She was also the center supervisor for the Friends of Children and Families Head Start in Mountain Home and Glenns Ferry.

Raines is a certified teacher who holds a teaching certification with a Bachelor degrees in Elementary Education and Special Education, with two endorsements: early childhood and early childhood special education; a Master's degree in curriculum and instruction; and expects to finish her doctorate degree next August.

Raines said every day is highlight as a teacher.

"When a child learns a new skills, accomplishes a new goal, we celebrate each and every day," she said.

Raines works with 28 students and three paraprofesionals. She said she enjoys teaching the young children.

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  • Kerrie, I am sure you remember me... I watched your youngest daughter out on the base when she was about 2. Since we moved, I still check up on the news in MH! I was thrilled to see this article about you. Congratulations! Nothing about it surprises me... you really have a heart for working with children.

    I want to tell you that you are an inspiration to me. I am currently working on my Bachelors degree (while working full time AND raising 2 boys) with a goal to become a special ed teacher. I think about the challenges you went through to get your degree and know that I too can succeed. Thank you for that!

    I hope you read this!

    -- Posted by cntrymscfn on Fri, Apr 25, 2008, at 6:24 AM
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