McMurtrey answers most frequent asked questions about proposed school bond

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Voters will go to the polls in just under two weeks, on April 29, to decide the fate of a $37 million bond issue to complete Phase II of the high school project.

The building is currently being used as the junior high school.

If a bond for completion of the high school is approved by voters, the current high school would then be used as a junior high school.

Polling places will be at every school in town and on base and one located in Pine at the Senior Center. Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Completion of the high school will add an additional classroom wing housing additional english, math and science classrooms (28 classrooms total), a professional-technical building for the expansion of welding, carpentry and auto mechanics skills, a 500-seat auditorium/classroom, a competition gymnasium, completed parking lot, and sidewalk, and curb/gutter on 18th Street. If approved, the project would allow the district to consolidate grades 9-12 in the high school.

The district anticipates an increase in enrollment for the next five to ten years.

In the course of the campaign for the bond, Superintendent Tim McMurtrey has been asked a number of questions, which he has compiled into the following Q&A ,with his answers to some of the issues voters have raised, or most frequently asked.

How much will completion of the high school cost the taxpayers of Mountain Home?

Early estimates for completion of the high school are approximately $37 million for the addition of the classroom wing and competition gymnasium. If your net taxable property value is $100,000 then your tax increase would be approximately $14.59 a month.

What are the estimated construction costs for completing the high school?

When the "new building" was constructed ten years ago the cost per square foot was approximately $85. When we ran the bond in September of this year construction costs were estimated to be as high as $215 per square foot. The current construction cost estimate is a 4.9% increase from September to April. This is why the district is going for $37 million instead of $34.5 million. Construction costs are estimated to continue to increase. It is very unlikely that they will decrease, so the longer we wait, the more expensive completion of the high school will be.

Why not build an elementary school?

Currently the enrollment in the elementary grades is increasing slightly, especially in the North Elementary area. The district anticipates an increase in enrollment in the West Elementary area in the near future. Currently Hacker Middle School has 874 students, MHJHS has 648 and MHHS has 754. We believe the need is at the secondary level, knowing full well that we will have to closely watch the elementary enrollment. Based on proposed housing developments within the city and county, the district anticipates continued increases in enrollment.

Why consider building an auditorium in the completion of the high school?

The reconfiguration committee heard from several patrons that they would like to see the district build an auditorium in the completion of the high school. It would be very beneficial for students to have a stage and an area to practice and do performing arts. The auditorium would be used as a teaching station for Performing Arts, Choir and Band. This would also greatly benefit the community by being able to host civic events like plays, presentations and musical events.

Why remodel or build a Professional-Technical Building in the completion of the high school?

Currently the Professional-Technical Classes at Mountain Home High school are at capacity with a waiting list of students who would like to enroll in the classes. The district needs to evaluate the current Professional-Technical areas at Mountain Home High School. The wood shop building is out-of-date and the Welding Classroom has a poor ventilation system.

Why house grades 9-12 in the completion of the high school?

We see a great disconnect from 9th grade students between MHJHS and MHHS. Students in 9th grade actually are earning credits toward high school graduation. Some of these 9th graders do not fully understand the necessity to maintain good grades, etc., and that the loss of credits will affect their graduation later in their schooling. We believe that if they are in a 9-12 building they will understand more fully that they truly are in high school.

Nationally the drop-out rate for students is highest in 9th and 10th grade, again having the students in one building will help lessen the drop out rate and increase the district graduation rate.

If grades 9-12 are housed together the district can better utilize staff and provide credit recovery and other class offerings for students. This grade configuration will also allow the district to address not meeting the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) goals that have been established by the No Child Left Behind legislation.

How will you reconfigure and utilize the other schools if the completion of the high school is approved?

Hacker Middle School now houses grades 5 through 7. If completion of the high school passes it would house grade 5-6, thus removing 260 students from the overcrowded building and allowing the removal of the temporary building located on Jackson Street.

Mountain Home Junior High now houses grades 8 and 9. If completion of the high school passes, we would house grades 7-8 in what is now Mountain Home High School. This would reduce student enrollment in the building by 208 from today's enrollment.

The current Junior High School would become Mountain Home High School and house grades 9-12. Only 5 out of the 22 high schools in the state that compete at the 4A level have a configuration of grades 10-12, the other schools all have a 9-12 grade level configuration. When the other schools were contacted they stated that they would prefer a 9-12 configuration but had the 10-12 configurations due to space limitations in their high schools.

The elementary schools would continue to house grades K-4.

Why consider completion of the high school when two schools are closed on base?

Enrollment has steadily declined for the past six years on base. This past year we closed a second school (Liberty Elementary) when enrollment was again declining. We have been informed that negotiations with the Royal Singapore Air Force are on-going and we could see increased enrollment in the schools.

We cannot ship non-military dependent students from town to attend school on base.

The fact that enrollment has increased in the "town" schools is what is driving completion of the high school.

10. How many students will the completion of the high school accommodate and for how long?

Currently we have 1,087 students in grades 9-12 in the district. That would require 44 teaching stations for an average class size of 26. Planning for the future and projecting an increased enrollment over five to ten years we could possibly have 1,350 students in grades 9-12. The district would need to provide enough teaching stations for growth, but also not over-build the project.

11. Which classes will the Additional Classroom Wing and Professional-Technical Building house?

The new classroom wing addition will house the following:

Family Consumer Science

Health Occupations

Journalism Classroom

3 English Classrooms

5 Generic Classrooms

4 Math Classrooms

4 Social Studies Classrooms

3 Science Classrooms

3 Science Laboratories

The Professional Technical Building will house Carpentry, Auto Mechanics and Welding.

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  • Wow. Where is Midea, Opinionmissy, and Freedom? No comments?

    -- Posted by mule on Wed, Apr 16, 2008, at 10:22 PM
  • *

    I will make a comment. Has Mr. McMurtrey addressed some of the issues that we, the taxpayers have raised? He states that "The district anticipates an increase in enrollment in the West Elementary area in the near future." What information is the district basing this assumption on? Lastly as has been pointed out by others, the average price of a house in this area is not $100,000 but is higher than that. So that would mean the taxes would be much higher. The district should be using the current medain price of housing.

    I for one think that improvments need to be made to many of the facilites, I just think that there are a few things that could be downsized some. This would show that the district truly care about the community and is reponsive to the current economic situation.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Thu, Apr 17, 2008, at 6:04 AM
  • Old guy summed it up pretty well. Not much, really, to add to that.

    And those of us who were at the forum last week heard Mr McMurtrey's presentation there, and saw the beautiful school plans, which need to be downsized, hard as that would be to do.

    -- Posted by senior lady on Thu, Apr 17, 2008, at 7:20 AM
  • once again people keep talking about downsizing the plan, yet no ideas are given. What would you like to see taken out? How much do you think those changes would save?

    -- Posted by small town on Thu, Apr 17, 2008, at 11:25 AM
  • This is just another guy's wife posting. I'd like to mention that the only reason they use a $100,000 home value as a base is simply to make it easier for taxpayers to do the math to figure out how much it will be each month. They aren't trying to downplay the figures, its just easier to multiply with a factor of ten than, say, 42.5.

    -- Posted by just another guy on Thu, Apr 17, 2008, at 1:41 PM
  • I'm hoping the new addition could be smaller in size, and possibly less expensive as a result. Or maybe the complete gym expansion could wait until another phase. Other than that, you've got me -- I don't have the answer. Details? Making the hard choices? I wish I could wave a magic wand and solve the whole issue.

    -- Posted by senior lady on Thu, Apr 17, 2008, at 2:24 PM
  • So another honest post that you all are going to attack...but here goes. First off I am a single mother of 4 children, I have been in this community for 16 years, my children attend the public schools, but 3 of them will not benefit from the new buildings if they are built. I used to plan on staying in this community indefinitely but it seems that no one here really wants to do anything for our kids because our whole world revolves around MONEY! It should be about the kids, and perhaps those who really know it is about kids will be out on the 29th to do the right thing.

    My daughter has been in the Carpentry class at the high school for 2 years and is going into Carpentry 3 next year. She wants to be a veterinarian, not a construction worker, however I appreciate that she is learning something that she could possibly have to fall back on one day, or she can use what she has learned there for summer jobs when not in college. This is what our kids are going to need. A step up with future careers, however many want this area cut to save costs, when do you purpose we ever add these back in? In 3 years? 5 years? Would that really make anyone happy here? Here we have people that don't want to make a sacrifice, once again, for our children but want to whine because perhaps our children will have to foot the bill. How is anyone going to foot the bill if they have inadequate places to learn? My money says you are the same group that complains about the activities in the parks, and "those dang kids" on the streets during the summer.

    This is the part you are all going to have a fit about. Last night Mr. McMurtery gave us some numbers as far as how many taxes we would pay on a $200,000 home. This is what I would pay. I do not live on a fixed income, but I do live on a budget. If missy really works as much as she states, does she eat out or cook at home between jobs? If she volunteers as much as she says, couple that with her work schedule, seems that running to pick up a now $5 burger is quicker. I took my family out to a local restaurant on Friday and the bill was $89. I work two jobs, I was tired and I was willing to pay the price, again, my choice. However, I am willing to give up that trip out for a better education for my children. If I had to live without my cable TV and my internet cable high speed connection I could and I would, and I would save some money there. I cannot justify these expenses and then vote no on this very important issue. I will vote yes, FOR THE KIDS, because if I can go out and spend my money like that, I can miss it every so often and pay extra taxes. The choice is still mine. Raising my taxes is only going to change some of the choices I make on a monthly basis. Oh, and I have two credit card that I pay off once a month IF I chose to use them, and like mule, leave them in the drawer. The facts are that all of you want to do what you want to do with your hard earned money…as do I…but sometimes for the sake of the next generation I have to make harder choices (as if deciding not to go to McDonald's for dinner is a hard choice!!).

    Why are you going to punish our children for the sake of their "inheritance?" Wouldn't you put that money away for them now and let it collect interest? Oh I'm sorry I forgot that you may have to dip into that for this bond…then are you really ready for their "inheritance?" Each of my children have a CD in their names that they will be able to use when they are 21, if I chose to take any of that money out I will have to pay a penalty, which will be more than my taxes, so maybe that is an option…something you can't touch. I don't know…just a thought.

    You all go ahead and make personal attacks on me; I just gave you new fodder…it makes no difference to me, I will be voting yes for the school bond, I will work hard to see that other's do also, and I will show my children that when we do the right thing for those who are coming behind us, we all benefit.

    Mule…I respect that you are giving factual answers and staying out of the cesspool they keep trying to drag you into.

    -- Posted by g4kdz on Thu, Apr 17, 2008, at 3:38 PM
  • Oh, and Freedom...what does legalizing marijuana have to do with this school bond? I have read and read your posts and I don't understand why you think that is an answer for the bond issue. Maybe some clarification would help. Thank you.

    -- Posted by g4kdz on Thu, Apr 17, 2008, at 3:41 PM
  • Thanks g4kdz.

    I am talking to friends who, like me, are in their late 20's and early 30's, and are going to stay here for a long period of time. Last time around none of them voted. This time I am volunteering to watch their children so they can go vote.

    -- Posted by mule on Thu, Apr 17, 2008, at 4:17 PM
  • g4kdz,

    I couldn't say it any better. I hope we have more people in this town who think this way. I to would give up somethings to pay for uping my taxes this is one thing kids are entitiled to.

    -- Posted by small town on Thu, Apr 17, 2008, at 5:03 PM

    Mountain Home District 193 Student/Teacher ratio is : .... 18.20

    This figure is the 2007-2008 school year.

    I am not using the same reference that I used in the meeting. I wanted to make sure I was correct so I verified my numbers. This number comes from the "second" reference. Take a guess what!! They both matched. The number I am posting for you to see - is from the Idaho State Dept of Education. Now who can argue with them?

    Our student teacher ratio is only 18.20. Now that's a FACT.

    Now here is a nice note for all of you.

    Remember how we have been told that the 9th grade dropout rate is high and that if we could get the 9th graders into the highschool that we could stop some of it? Well, I came across the dropout rates for Mtn. Home.

    Notice that the 10th grade has the highest dropout rate. Now we all know that the 10th graders are already at the highschool. Hmmmm. I'm trying to figure out the logic here!!!!

    Dropout rates for grades 9-12. Mountain Home School District.

    The chart gives the grade - the number of students - then the percentage.


    9th grade -- 9 -- 2.69%

    10th grade -- 18 -- 6.10%

    11th grade -- 10 -- 3.68%

    12th grade -- 3 -- 1.41%

    Hope this helps all of you out. What do you think?

    -- Posted by midea on Thu, Apr 17, 2008, at 8:13 PM
  • *

    I have looked over the facts that the district has provided and wish to point out a few things.

    How does the drop out rate compare to the national or state average? It seems the district has tried to compare the addition to how other districts are housed so let us keep comparing apples to apples.

    What information is the district projecting an increase in sutdent population over the next 10-15 years?

    As for areas that might need adjusting, notice I did not say remove, why the need for a 500 seat auditorum? This size would house about 22% of the town if the population was 11,000. I think this is too large and can be reduced some to reduce costs.

    Why the need for an indoor running/walking track? How many other high schools in towns similar in size have a track of this type?

    How is the projected arrivial of the Singapore Air Force going to impact the district? Are families coming with the military memebers?

    I have said all along that I would fully support a REVISED plan but the district does not seem to be willing to adjust the plan and are set in their way.

    -- Posted by B Mullen on Thu, Apr 17, 2008, at 9:22 PM
  • Old guy, I like the way you think, and agree with you. And I'm sure we both agree that sacrifice for the benefit of our youth is appropriate for all members of the community, no matter what their ages, and whether or not they have children in the system.

    That's real sacrifice, however, not foolishness. A sensible school bond is best for all. It is so desperately needed.

    And if some of you think we're attacking you, well, we're not. The truth is, we simply disagree with you in degree, while, at the same time, we agree about needing a next phase for our schools.

    -- Posted by senior lady on Thu, Apr 17, 2008, at 10:44 PM
  • Why does it matter how often my husband and I go out to eat? To answer the question, not even once a month. We do not do much of anything extra because we work just about all of the time. I work a full time job and run a full time business at my home which my husband is also active in. I volunteer with hospice at least once a week for several hours. I live on a farm (very small farm) and we have cattle (we eat what we raise...)no Big Mac or hamburgers for us. Weekends are also spent working. Not that I owe you an explanation but you got one.

    I do not WANT to change how I live and what I do for a 37 million dollar bond that is full of extra stuff. We do not NEED an auditorium or an indoor walking track. That is not a need---it is a want. We do not NEED extra classrooms/generic classrooms---we need space that will be used NOT sit unused or empty. Mr. McMurtrey stated at the first forum that they will increase the number of classrooms (beyond the plan) IF they have extra money. If you can do something like are asking for too much money.

    I am sure Smalltown will follow with a post that again states "once again people keep talking about downsizing the plan, yet no ideas are given. What would you like to see taken out? How much do you think those changes would save?"

    We have stated all of this prior but you need to read it to see it. Those cuts alone save (3.6 million and $30,000.00 IF the district gave us good numbers). We count on a population boom that may NEVER happen. If you look at the numbers, we will not have an increase like they want us to believe because it should have already happened.

    Half the amount and I would for sure vote YES. True needs are what we should focus on not what would be "nice" to have.

    How about those 10th graders that drop out of school that ARE at the high school? What do we do about that "disconnect." That needs to be a parental intervention not a taxpayer intervention. We are going to spend all of this money to keep 8-12 kids in school? Give me a break! Further, some of the kids that leave school are being educated at home---they are not just out there (so to speak).

    I am still a no vote. All or nothing does not impress me nor do the flimsy "facts" that the district has/is feeding us. This is a train wreck and really should be reworked so that it really and truly is the best plan and not just a bandage for the next 5-10 years. We give you the information and where it comes from. If you believe it not to be true, look it up for yourself.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Thu, Apr 17, 2008, at 10:53 PM
  • opioion missy,

    I will agree with you believe it or not that we do not need a walking track but I think this town does need an audotorium, it is not just for school functions but also for the town use. Will it be used all the time no but the drama clubs can perform there, choir, band, even have graduation ceremony, tops in blue and the elementary schools can use it. I will also agree that they can down size but I don't think it would make that much of a difference in what each person pays in taxes, maybe a few dollars a month. As for extra classrooms even the school I went to had extra classromom but they were always being used for something, we practiced speeches, got extra help and sometimes they were used for yearbook staff and things like that. I don't think they are building a whole wing of extra classrooms, if I understand it is just in the blueprint that there is extra space that can utilized for it. Example upper floor when the bottom floor is being used and 3/4 of the top but there are a few rooms not designated for anything yet. I know you will take offense to this next commet but it is your choice to work all the time. You work in order to have the lifestyle you want and that is your choice my choice is to give up a few "extra's' that I can take out of my budget so the kids can have a few extra's in their school. I will also agree that kids are still going to drop out but I think that if these changes keep 10 - 12 kids in school it is worth it. Like I said on the other blog and it will make some happy, these are getting nasty, I am still a yes vote and nothing anybody says is going to change anyones mind so I am done.

    -- Posted by small town on Fri, Apr 18, 2008, at 8:34 AM
  • What I hear everybody saying is "Let's not do what is 'best' for our town, let's do what is 'minimally needed' for our town". The ideas people are pushing are making this a "just barely decent" community.

    -- Posted by bond_supporter on Fri, Apr 18, 2008, at 10:41 AM
  • The track is $30,000. That is less than 1/1000th of the total cost.

    -- Posted by mule on Fri, Apr 18, 2008, at 10:42 AM
  • Mule,

    $30,000 dollar track... 12,000 people is this town... 20 year bond... What does that add up to? .13 CENTS A YEAR! That's breaking the bank! We need to cut the track out! (Sarcasm)

    -- Posted by just another guy on Fri, Apr 18, 2008, at 12:26 PM
  • When people say about the size of this town and population is the base included in that. I know the people don't pay propety taxes but does the base. If they do than wouldn't their taxes also go up.

    -- Posted by small town on Fri, Apr 18, 2008, at 12:48 PM
  • Sometimes "best" is not the most desired thing, but what accomplishes the job in the best possible way under less-than ideal circumstances. Meat loaf instead of filet mignon. Good, solid nutrition both ways, one much more reasonable in cost.

    Yes, cost. To the community as a whole. While those of us on fixed incomes will suffer the most, the entire community will be affected. I don't think anyone wants their hard-earned incomes spent needlessly, do they?

    Especially, as many have noted, when the hospital needs updating as well. The Rec District wants an indoor swimming pool, something I would so dearly love to have available, but is so not necessary to life.

    So the school and hospital will do more for the community than that. But, I still say, they both must be economical, not luxurious.

    -- Posted by senior lady on Fri, Apr 18, 2008, at 3:37 PM
  • Im Still Voting "NO". We should be talking "Tax Cuts",, Not Higher Taxes

    -- Posted by Freedom on Fri, Apr 18, 2008, at 5:54 PM
  • We know Freedom. You don't have to say it every other post. What is up with all of your commas?

    -- Posted by mule on Fri, Apr 18, 2008, at 6:29 PM
  • So Freedom what programs are you willing to give up to lower taxes, and it can't be the schoo bond or any other bond not voted on yet because you aren't paying taxes on those.

    -- Posted by small town on Fri, Apr 18, 2008, at 6:55 PM
  • Forget the numbers from the Idaho State Department because they are figured on students being with a certified staff position. That includes counselors, Principal, Vice Principal, and Librarian and we know that they don't have students they are teaching. Also, Special Education classes are purposely kept at a low classload. The student/teacher ratio is much higher.

    -- Posted by Hannah32 on Fri, Apr 18, 2008, at 11:03 PM
  • You can't change numbers to fit your scenario!!!!! The whole state is figured the same way. This is the way student teacher ratios have been counted for many, many years. If you don't like it - then chage it. But, for now you have to live with FACTS as they are. You go tell Luna and the rest that they are wrong!!!! But, don't try to make your numbers fit your situation.

    -- Posted by midea on Sat, Apr 19, 2008, at 11:30 AM
  • Why get so defensive? It's not about fitting my situation or anybody else. It's facts. Call the State Department of Education and ask if they take the number of students in a school and divide it by the number of certified teachers a school has. It's done the same way for every school in every district, in Idaho, but it is not an accurate average.

    -- Posted by Hannah32 on Sat, Apr 19, 2008, at 1:43 PM
  • Hannah32:

    It was posted that the numbers included staff. It is the way "averages" within the schools are calculated and those are the facts right from the state. If those same numbers indicated that class sizes (by "average")were 26-32 (or whatever the HIGHER numbers were the district provided in this paper) as the district indicated...would you be so upset? Probably not. It is public information and "fact." If the district wanted to use a different formula...maybe the state should change theirs.

    It is not very comfortable as a member of this community to do the research and come up with different information (or facts if you will) than the district. They probably should have stated the state numbers with an explanation and then their numbers but they did not. So, some of us have done the research and it just does not add up. One could argue further that since the averages INCLUDE staff, the average class sizes are SMALLER than reported/indicated. The average is the average and if the state could make it higher to help this very situation (and federal funding) they would have done just that. The numbers are the numbers and WE did not come up with the formula. So the facts are still the facts no matter how you want to "spin" the situation.

    The "facts" from the district should have been checked better before they were reported. There is a lot of 2 + 2 not being 4 here on the part of the distict. Imagine that! Buyer beware (in this case voter beware). And once again, we are not against an education for the kids but some honesty would go a long way.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sun, Apr 20, 2008, at 12:26 AM
  • Well stated Seniorlady!

    Freedom has a good point (and I am not pro illegal drugs). If the Government would make "pot" legal and tax it, it would be more tax revenue for the state. It is already here and very available (many of the kids in town even smoke it...YOUR kids) but not taxed. Freedom just states that if it was made legal (pot) that it would be a great source of tax money and could also help the schools (the tax money from the sales not allowing it in school). He does have a point...BUT...they would just put the tax money from these sales in a general fund and waste it. Education would NEVER see those funds. It would be just like the lottery money. I believe that was what Freedom was telling us but it went over most of your heads. Active listening people...

    Small town, do you bother to read the posts before you yourself post? People have stated over and over what they would like to see go on this bond. What good is it to even debate it because the district is just going to do it as is. If it does not pass, we will do this again soon regardless of what McMurtrey has said.

    Also, I reviewed the "averages" for class sizes (thanks to midea's information on where to find this info) and she did post what the STATE had as the averages. How you get to the number really does not matter in this case because it is what the Dept. of Ed states is "fact" and their facts do not match what the Mountain Home School District has put out there (along with those 9th and 10th grade "disconnect" figures and "facts). That matter should be taken up with the state and NOT midea. She did not create the formula...just stated the FACTS (the real facts from the state) and not what the district would have us believe.

    I am now ready to be stoned (with rocks) for this post.

    -- Posted by Elmorehorselady on Sun, Apr 20, 2008, at 1:10 AM
  • Yes,Opinion Missy, it does state that it includes staff. What it fails to say, is that it is all certified staff. Like I said before, certified staff includes Principal, Vice Principal, Counselors (3 at the High School), and a Librarian. Also, they include ELL and Special Education teachers as well, but the High School tries to keep the class size much lower compared to the core classes.

    Also, you have just done to me what you have complained about, to other people, doing to you. Don't tell me what I would "probably not" think. I am upset with the actual numbers of student/teacher ratio because I am a teacher in this district, and I see the class sizes everyday. You are very close to 26 - 32 students or more in a classroom in the schools. The State Department can report what they want and have been questioned about the way they do it. It is not accurate information.

    Opinion Missy, Midea, and Elmorshorselady -

    You feel the district is dishonest because of numbers they post and you don't like the figures, so you go on the attack. On the other hand, you look for numbers at the State Department and like what you see because they are low class sizes. Do you want the "real numbers?" Talk to the Principals at each school and see what the "real facts" are on class sizes. This is what the State Department and so many people do not see. Better yet, set up a time to actually go into the classrooms and count the number of students in each class for each period of the day.

    Also, there have been many posts about going to the public for input on how big and what types of classrooms, programs, gym etc... should be in this phase II of the school. I have had numerous discussions with people, and not all of them were friends, of our community about this topic. Their comments back were, "what do I know about what a High School and teachers need?" I have thought about that many times and it holds true to my feelings as well. I am a teacher, but not at the High School I don't know what they need. It was left to the experts who work there everyday, the Principal, Vice-Principal, and all the teachers who know what is needed to teach the Idaho standards with some-what low class sizes.

    -- Posted by Hannah32 on Sun, Apr 20, 2008, at 10:05 PM
  • I have worked in the district and I had worked in most of the schools. I know what goes on. I also worked in special education and the ESL rooms and did summer school. The district makes the situation out to be worse than it is as the "facts" have come out prove. I could have guessed that you, like Mule, worked in/for the district. If you do not like how the stats are compiled go to the source. I am sure if the figures were more in the district's favor things would be different and the same numbers would be thrown back at us. Oh well, things are not always what they would like us to believe. Once bitten...

    I talked to 2 high school students on Friday (they graduate soon). They stated that the junior high was not "bad." They stated that they would rather have more books (so they could bring them home) and more computers. They said that the school itself did not matter because it was the teachers that made the difference and the aides. That was what motivated these 2 girls. They went on to tell me that when they had "bad" teachers or teachers that "did not care" that made it hard to learn. They also said that "they got out of their education what they put into it." No more and no less. These 2 girls are going on to college and have been very active in choir and soccer.

    Would a $37 million dollar building be nice? Yes but not if part of what is built is not for the here and now. Cuts can be made. We are a town with about 12,000 people (according to the sign anyway). If 1/2 the money was spent it would still be a very nice facility. If this keeps up, we are going to be just like McCall.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sun, Apr 20, 2008, at 11:26 PM
  • The sky is always the limit when you play with money other than your own! Worry about how to pay for it later. That is the theme of this deal. As Mule said...cut up the credit cards and budget. If only the district knew the meaning. Once again, where is all of the tax money from all of this growth over the past few years? Nobody can really say and that should worry ALL of us.

    Do not forget to vote on April 29th at the schools from 8 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sun, Apr 20, 2008, at 11:38 PM
  • Mountain Home just like McCall??? LOL, thanks for the laugh, opinionmissy!!!

    -- Posted by mrfresh28 on Mon, Apr 21, 2008, at 10:28 AM
  • I meant like McCall with no money and an inability to pay our bills. We need to budget not run up a bunch of debt.

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Mon, Apr 21, 2008, at 10:41 AM
  • I didn't realize Mountain Home wasn't paying their bills.

    -- Posted by small town on Mon, Apr 21, 2008, at 5:42 PM
  • Small Town:

    You spin things just like Mule. Learn to read please. I said that if this keeps up (all of the spending and going into debt) we WILL be just like McCall and unable to pay our bills. I never said that Mountain Home DOES NOT pay their bills. What is your deal?

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Mon, Apr 21, 2008, at 8:35 PM
  • its Easy to spend Other Peoples Money, its so much fun, ESP when you don't have to take responsibility for the Bond just vote Yes and walk away, oh what fun. we'll pay for the interest only mortage loans, free health care for all, free education, free rent too.

    who pays for all this ?

    Sounds more like Socialism

    -- Posted by Freedom on Tue, Apr 22, 2008, at 6:43 AM
  • We know Freedom. You don't have to say it every other post. What is up with all of your commas?

    Mule,LOL,,, Im a product of public education, now do you get it

    Public Education is a failure, its a horrible waste of Money, its really not education, its more like Adult Day Care than education and I don't want to spend anymore of time or money on it.

    Check the numbers in the prison population, Proverty., Nope don't wanna spend anymore of my money on failure,

    I think its getting time too dump Public Education.

    -- Posted by Freedom on Tue, Apr 22, 2008, at 7:37 AM
  • To anwer opionion missy's question this is my problem, the people who oppose this bond will keep saying the population growth isn't there, the school board lied the last time how can we trust them now, but when they are presented with facts they ignore them or just don't respond. I have asked questions since I wasn't here last time and they don't get answered except that the population growth isn't there. So lets say your right about that even though according to numbers posted in the blog there have been 179 more kids in the last two years. The point remains that the main objective of this bond is to build a 4 year high school. In order to do that they need to expand because they will be moving almost 500 kids to the now jr high building. That is the reason for the bond. This town is growing maybe not fast but it is, the base is building houses and Singapore is coming here. That is my problem.

    -- Posted by small town on Tue, Apr 22, 2008, at 8:33 AM
  • population growth , I'd have too ask the question; who, what, where, when and why.

    who are these people.

    where did they come from.

    when did they get here.

    and why.

    Pretty soon they'll change the Name of the High Schools to Magnet Schools. thats what liberals did in Los Angeles, same thing, at the cost of Property owners, after awhile it won't be Educating "Our Kids" to Educating Childern of the World. Free every thing, Welcome too America at the expense of the Property owner, who may I say have been sucked dry many years ago, taxation,, is like kicking a dead dog

    -- Posted by Freedom on Tue, Apr 22, 2008, at 9:41 AM
  • Why I would ask those Questions,,

    Maybe its time that parents step up too the plate and pay for their own kids Education or a part of it, what we need is Tax Cuts Not Bonds

    -- Posted by Freedom on Tue, Apr 22, 2008, at 9:47 AM
  • We do pay part of our kids education, we pay taxes, we pay user fees for books and lockers, we pay extra for sports, and some music programs, we buy or donate props for the drama club, help build sets, volunteer in the classrooms. Buy school supplies for the whole class to use in the elementary schools. There is alot we pay for and will continue to pay for. So for the ones without children in these schools who will see taxes go up for the parents with children in the schools are taxes will go up and we will still need to pay for those things, but we do it because we want the best for our kids.

    -- Posted by small town on Tue, Apr 22, 2008, at 10:18 AM
  • I had a friend awhile back who used too think that Property Owners/tax payers should pay for his sons football uniforms. Now its indoor track, pools.

    Maybe !, the Next bond that property owners are asked too pay should not be an Health/Education Bond, But !. an Orphanage.

    if Im forced to pay taxes forever, I WANT AN ORPHANAGE, that way we can put some of these "Responsible" parents in JAIL

    -- Posted by Freedom on Tue, Apr 22, 2008, at 10:29 AM
  • Reality TV,, Make Room for Mommy and Daddy

    -- Posted by Freedom on Tue, Apr 22, 2008, at 10:33 AM
  • "I think it's time to dump Public Education"...LOL, I see Freedom's on the rock again.

    -- Posted by mrfresh28 on Tue, Apr 22, 2008, at 2:50 PM
  • We want the best for our kids. if this was a true statement, and Ive read this alot. but if this is true, then End Prohibiton of Hemp/Marijuana/Gaming, Stop Arresting Our citzens for Marijuana (1 trillion/37 billion a year) sales just for BC Canada and at a tax payers cost of 40 billion a year and 40 million people arrested since 1970, Allow Business to develop Hemp (1.2 Trillion a year) and Gaming ( 1 trillion a year just for Nevada) because Its Clear this is where the money at, NOT in my pocket.

    We all know the Problems with Our Government Playing the Prohibition Card and this Bond stuff is a clear sign of it.

    where is the Education Money, its left the State of Idaho and the United States and its in the jails/Prisons/Courts. it cost alot of money to arrest an 18 year old for drinking a cold beer and it takes a heck alot more money to prey on and Arrest 40 million people adult men and women for smoking a joint.

    Then people have the nerve too ask for MORE Money, well if the Government could not handle the money they've tax from us already for the claimed Social programs, why the heck would I want to give the Government More Money.

    think of it, what fool would want to just throw their Money Away

    -- Posted by Freedom on Wed, Apr 23, 2008, at 6:47 AM
  • Freedom,

    While you appear to have all of the answers, you were a child once and needed an education. Where did you get that education? If it was in public schools, then property owners paid for your education too. These kids need an education. I'm not saying that this school bond is the answer, but I don't think that you have the answer either. If you want to smoke pot and not pay taxes, you have the right to move out of this country. Maybe you should look into relocating.

    -- Posted by IdahoBorn on Wed, Apr 23, 2008, at 11:54 AM
  • I believe in local tax-sponsored schools, even if I am voting No on the current bond issue.

    -- Posted by senior lady on Wed, Apr 23, 2008, at 8:31 PM
  • This Issue is Not about Pot, Kids, Education, bonds or any of that .

    Its all about MONEY and everybody reading this knows that.

    I went to school in Los Angeles, Ive seen this before, my school was built in 1929 and it was funded by some of the largest wealth this Nation has even seen, we had wood shops, we all what you folks seem too want now and MORE. we had a grad rate of 30 percent, Public Education is a failure

    Idaho Born if you think this issue is about people wanting to smoke pot you dont understand Our National Issue or you have a political agenda,

    May I ask you,, why do you support Prohibition something that has so harmed our Nation, can you tell us Im all eyes ready to read what you write, please tell us ? I think all of US would really like too know, whats your agenda, I ask this Question because Ive always wonder Why anyone would support Prohibition

    I wish I could relocate back to los Angeles but I can't because the same thing thats going on with this bond here in Mountain Home is what happen to me any my family in Los Angeles in the 50s and 60s, our house went for 16K too 700k, Gangs, Killings, Major Crime, thats what you folks got in store for yourselfs if you vote yes on this Bond, you're on a Roll

    If you don't believe me,,, Vote Yes, go ahead, do it,, please don't forget Ive been there and done that before, when you see kids in the funeral Home, Jail , dead on the Road or Wishing "like me" you could move back into that great house you used too live in when you where a kid in the 1960's and Man it hurts never being able too go home, then you'll know what I know. the Name is changed Los Angeles-- Mountain Home,, but its the same people making the same left wing mistakes that California made and Lets not forget California Tax Revolt Prop. 13 and Prop 4. the tax revolt was because they tried to correct the mistakes that you good folks who vote yes are about too make.

    why Pot? if it was about a Million or Billion dollars and a few people on the nightly News getting Arrested that would be one thing. but this has turned into the Government arresting sick people ,kids , old people at a rate of 40 million people since 1970, and the money its now Trillions of dollars into pot,, gezzzz this big business its not personal

    -- Posted by Freedom on Wed, Apr 23, 2008, at 9:32 PM
  • all the years Ive lived here Ive always wanted to Move back to los angeles, if you vote yes, my 45k house will be 500k house and the Los Angeles inflation and crime will move here too mountain home, its a process your in, hope you folks can find the smarts too get out of it before its too late

    -- Posted by Freedom on Wed, Apr 23, 2008, at 9:51 PM
  • and then I can go Home, wonder if you can tell your young people that, this won't be their Home anymore, Mountain Home will be gone forever

    -- Posted by Freedom on Wed, Apr 23, 2008, at 9:52 PM
  • I don't have all the answes this is true, but I know what don't work, and what we got just flat out don't work at all and you know what they say about Money, those who have it win, those who don't lose, and Money talks where you know what walks. and you folk just don't have the money, you can't play the Game at all, you're Broke

    -- Posted by Freedom on Wed, Apr 23, 2008, at 10:39 PM
  • I believe Sigmund and Anna Freud once wrote, and I'll change it a little here.

    "A person who Lies to themselves is a true sign of Insanity" (Marijuana/Hemp Wars)

    Anna Freud once wrote

    Denial In Fantasy;

    This is when Children (Adults)in thir Imaginations transform an "Evil" father into a loving teddy bear (THE GOVERNMENT) or a helpless Child into a Powefull Superhero (Public Education).

    Altruistic Surrender;

    This is a form of Projection at first glance looks like its opposit, Here the person attempts to fulfill his or her own needs vicariously through other People (Bonds)

    like that old saying goes "if the shoe fits"

    -- Posted by Freedom on Thu, Apr 24, 2008, at 7:35 AM
  • My Home town in Los Angeles, Crime Tidbits, this is one 30 day period. HEADLINES.


    Detetives Alert Community

    Heavily Armed Suspects Fire At Officers

    3 aggravated Assults

    17 Motor Vehcles Buglaries

    8 buglaries

    16 GTAs

    3 Armed Robberies

    and thats just a little bit and Crime was Reported Down for that Month ? and thats not including "Take down Business and Bank Robberies" murder and it just goes on, kids are shot dead there every week,

    Oh I did not tell about the Lawsuits against Business,,its called the ADA lawsuits, thats the American with Disabilities Act,,, 34 so far this year, like Bonds lawyers threaten to go door to door too business and they sue them in court, why, becuse they can. thats how they make money.

    its starting to sound like Mountain Home don't it.

    once these Bond start going, there's no stopping,

    Mountain Home will just get eaten up so fast it will make your heads spin.

    One day your kids ( if they're still alive) (they won't be living here) will say "oh remember the good old days, wish I could go home

    -- Posted by Freedom on Thu, Apr 24, 2008, at 9:33 AM
  • oh and whats this got to do with Education and Bonds, I remember thats where it all started, left wing groups using Education and bonds as a political weapon and they Ran Los Angeles Right into the Ground

    -- Posted by Freedom on Thu, Apr 24, 2008, at 10:01 AM
  • Do I believe in Local Tax for Schools,, NO, I don't , local tax means Bonds.

    Bonds hides the problems in Our State.

    Here we as citzens have too call a duck a duck, we paid taxes once a year and thats good enough, if that don't work, thats a major sign that we have a political problem in Government and then we Vote the Bums out.

    Bonds don't allow that.

    -- Posted by Freedom on Thu, Apr 24, 2008, at 11:38 AM
  • may I ask Question,, do you folks understand what a Bond is, outside of the surface its just past off as a tax, but what is it really the word "Bond" what about "Interest" gotta pay that too maybe,, MMmmmm what interest Rate are we handing out these so-called bonds and for how long,, my credit card was 32 percent interest,, how much Interest are we paying and handing off too my Grandkids, and will the Government tell us who they sold this bond too ???????.

    I wonder if we're selling this Bond too china.,, they Trade Bonds folks, Im just asking whom the Government intends too trade with ???

    -- Posted by Freedom on Thu, Apr 24, 2008, at 12:18 PM
  • And Einstein's definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result.

    Your repeated arguements about legalizing drugs really pointless when you are slobbering all over the blogsphere. In fact, your sort of becoming this blog's poster child on why drugs shouldn't be legal.

    Freedom, dude, you may want to lay down the pipe for a bit and get some fresh air before you post. Nothing in excess is good for you. Sobriety has a lot of advantages. Good luck with that.

    -- Posted by froggy on Sat, Apr 26, 2008, at 1:16 AM
  • And Einstein's definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over and expecting a different result.

    Yes (you maybe getting it) after 40 years and 40 million American Citzens plus young and old and disabled arrested and thousand kids killed and 168 billion a year for that 40 plus years spent in taxes with 2.5 trillion economic Loss a year, yes they call that the (DRUG WAR).

    Your repeated arguements about legalizing drugs really pointless .

    I never use the term (legalizing or legal Drugs) I use the Term (Regulation). The term you use ( legalizing Drugs) is a political Phrase only thats used by liberal Groups since the start of this prohibition in 1937 to put a choke hold of Socialism on the United States Constitution and the American People.

    Have you ever heard the term; (giving aid and confort too the enemy) because people like you who seems too support Prohibition whicn I believe Prohibition is UnConstitutional and UnAmerican because the Constitution does not provide for Prohibition what you support is handing up our Kids and harmless Adults on a silver platter too drug dealers other Governments too abuse and undermind the American People.

    ("Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort).

    Look at this bond business. liberal Groups are asking the Property Owner too flip a a 37 million dollar bond which is I believe will be over 100 million when its done while all along the Idaho Government is Giving to Canada and Other Countrys Trillions of dollars for years under the table (blackmarket) for hemp and Marijuana,(our American Flag was made from Hemp and Marijuana was Never an Issue until 1937 the Government made it a Political Weapon against Poor/black/women and now over the years its turn on Kids /disabled/harmless adults. and our Idaho Legislature and Governor Otter along with Gay Larry has handed OUR KIDS/DISABLED/Harmless Adults Over too the enemy. Now does this fit the Def: of Treason or at lease Economic Treason.

    Dear Governor Otter did you enjoy your trip too Cuba while the Idaho Legislature keeps the Idaho Citzen unemployed or working for mim wage and giving Money too drug dealers and canada, Comrade

    Pointless, there's alot of talk about crack pipes on this Blogg, is that true are you people high on Crack

    -- Posted by Freedom on Sat, Apr 26, 2008, at 8:12 AM
  • LOL, Freedom, I am not high on crack or anything else for that matter. I need all the brain cells I have left to function this day and age.

    Thanks for the correction on legalizing vs. regulation. I said your arguements were pointless b/c you weren't making sense. Incomplete sentences, blurbs pasted here and there. I have to say, your last post is your best yet, when your not writing like your crunked.

    -- Posted by froggy on Sat, Apr 26, 2008, at 9:12 AM
  • I understand Im an ill man on alot of meds,its ok , its all fun, have a great weekend

    -- Posted by Freedom on Sat, Apr 26, 2008, at 9:30 AM
  • Sorry to hear that you ill, dude. That totally bites. Taking meds, well that explains a bit of the loopiness on those posts. And you too enjoy the weekend and some sun. I think the long absent sun will make us all feel a bit better.

    -- Posted by froggy on Sat, Apr 26, 2008, at 10:30 AM
  • Wow Freedom. I can't even keep up with you. We start out talking about the school bond and then you jump to legalizing marijuana and then school bonds destroyed L.A. and then school bonds are responsible for crime. Who has the agenda? I'm guessing that Caldwell doesn't pass more school bonds than Kuna, but they have a lot more crime. That must be some freak oddity. Anyway, you at least give me a good laugh now and then. Hopefully whatever comes of today's poll won't destroy our city.

    -- Posted by IdahoBorn on Tue, Apr 29, 2008, at 12:46 PM
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