Politics, religion don't mix
Dear editor:
The adage about politics and religion causing arguments and dissent has never been more true than at this time, but I have just about reached saturation point.
Take the latest flap over the sermons of Barak Obama's pastor. Were they outrageous, upsetting? Yes! If my pastor talked like that, would I leave the church? I don't think so! I do not follow a pastor, I follow Jesus, who was big into dialogues with those who opposed him.
How do we get people to change minds and attitudes if we turn our back and run instead of opening discussions and seeking solutions?
Do I want to know a politician's background? Yes! I also know that people grow and change over time and what really matters is who and what they are today.
Thank heaven, my southern in-laws chose to ignore the fact that my great-grandfathers (plural) fought in the Union Army. They accepted me for who and what I am. Have I changed them? Have they changed me? The answer to both questions is an emphatic, "oh, yeah!"
Nancy Martin