Police notes - week ending Feb. 29
Nathaniel William Loomis, 27--DUI.
Rena Louise Lowrey, 46--FTA; FTA/FTP.
Leonel Rangel, 25--probation violation.
Myron Max Collins, 44--unlawful entry; battery.
Megan Theresa Fuller, 31--probation violation.
Gerardo Gomez-Gomez, 53--battery.
Eric Taylor Grimes, 35--domestic battery.
Pierre Barindogo, 26--FTA.
Robert Kelly Lafayette Carter, 19--FTA.
Regina Marie McCarroll, 29--contempt.
Jose Natividad Zacharias Garcia, 24--DWP; reckless driving; providing false information.
Samuel James Steffen, 25--DWP.
Joseph Daryl Strickland, 28--warrant-body attachment.
Casey Michael Armstrong, 22--FTA/FTP.
Stanford Lindsay Britts, 54--FTA.
Michael Duane Caplinger, 40--probation violation.
Antonio Popoca Guadarrama, 23--FTA/FTP (3x).
Charles Thomas Warburton, 46--warrant-body attachment.
Paul Francis Carpentier III, 19--violation of a no contact order; minor consumption of alcohol.
Carrie Lea Horsman-Rudolf, 39--driving without privileges.
Sean Len Cobos, 19--adult minor consume alcohol.
Jesus Ruben Lopez, 19--adult minor consume alcohol.
Misty Renee McCue, 32--domestic battery.
Michael James Kelly, 19--adult minor consume alcohol; possession of a controlled substance.
Juvenile Arrests
F, 16--runaway.
M, 16--runaway.
M, 10--possess weapon on school property.
M, 9--possess weapon on school property.
M, 17--warrant.
M, 17--DUI; driving while suspended; provide false info to officers.