City Hall testing sirens

Friday, August 24, 2007

Citizens of Mountain Home may have been wondering if there was a local emergency after hearing the city sirens go off about 9 a.m. this morning.

City Clerk Nina Patterson said that city staff were testing the sirens to ensure that they were still operational.

Many years ago, the city would broadcast the sirens at noon each day and also use the sirens to notify the volunteer firefighters of a reported fire.

"Long before pagers and cell phones, this was how the city communicated with firefighters," said Ron Swearingen, director of Growth and Development.

Patterson said that city hall has received several requests from citizens that would like to have broadcast of the sirens implemented again in the city.

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  • I don't remember hearing it yesterday morning. I don't live that far away from city hall -- I could walk it if I really wanted to in about fifteen or twenty non-hurried minutes.

    What is the range of the siren? Is it only for the immediate area around city hall? If so, why?

    -- Posted by senior lady on Sat, Aug 25, 2007, at 9:56 PM
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