Just be 'safe and sane'
Officially, fireworks can't be sold in the city of Mountain Home until next week.
Any stand selling fireworks inside the city is limited to selling "safe and sane" fireworks, which are legal. All other fireworks, those that explode or are fired into the air, such as bottle rockets, are illegal.
There's a good reason those other types of fireworks are illegal. They're dangerous. Occasionally, someone gets hurt. More often, they terrify pets and can start fires. In fact, over the next couple of weeks, the bulk of fires that will be reported will probably be caused by fireworks.
You don't have to show how macho you are buy buying fireworks that explode, and if you want to see something go up in the air and make pretty lights, go to the spectacular fireworks display put on each Fourth of July by the local firemen at the city golf course.
If you use illegal fireworks you can be cited, and the fines will hurt. But if you use them and start a fire, you can be charged for the cost of fighting the blaze, and that can be extremely expensive.
Celebrating our nation's birthday is always a fun occasion. But do so responsibly. Stick to the "safe and sane" fireworks, make sure there's adult supervision when they're used, and don't set them off anywhere other than nice green grass or concrete/asphalt.
Be safe -- and sane -- this holiday season.
-- Kelly Everitt