You can't live with head in sand
Dear editor:
OK, Mr. Ward, you win. You, the Whigs, Jack, Courtney and the rest of you puppets out there. If your heads are buried that far into the sand, you deserve everything that's going to happen over the next few years. You actually don't see it, do you?
You'll see it when the last of your basic rights are gone. You'll discover a whole new world when the borders are gone and English is a 2nd or 3rd language. You'll see it when you're taxed out of existence to support illegals and every other country that has its hand out. You'll see it when the jackboots who spy for the government kick your front door in. You'll see it then. You might even remember I told you so, but it will be a moot point by then.
Of course Bill Page is right, and if you read the Mountain Home News and Idaho Statesman with any consistency, even YOU would know that I have publicly spearheaded the attempt to kick the U.N. out of this country. I have adorned my cars with anti-U.N. bumper stickers, EVERY piece of mail that leaves our home has a "Get US out of the U.N." label on it. I publicly wear T-shirts that say the same thing. I have contacted both Craig and Crapo on this matter. Craig supports our U.N. affiliation, and be just happens to be a REPUBLICAN, unless you want to correct me on that, Mr. Ward. He and Crapo BOTH support Bush's amnesty program. The GOP is every bit as corrupt as the other side, the Democrats are just more open about it.
But I don't just write letters to Kelly, I get involved. I left the GOP three years ago to join the John Birch Society, whose primary function in life is to kick the U.N. out of here, restore our Constitution to what it once meant, getting us out of NAFTA, seal the borders and make us a sovereign nation once more. See anything wrong with that? Both major parties do.
Supporting 3rd party candidates requires stepping out of the box. It means being loyal to COUNTRY, not party. It's an uphill struggle since most Americans don't think for themselves, just walk into the voting booth as they've been taught and blindly make their mark wherever there's a "D" or an "R." The two major parties depend on blind allegiance and total obedience, which is why our great country is in the trouble it's in today. Ross Perot said it best, "If you want to know what's wrong with America, look in the mirror."
Well, I have, and I sleep well at night. I have to live here, too, and I want something better for my kids and grandkids than the (manure) we're being served, and until we clean out Washington, D.C. it WILL NOT get any better. It won't.
I write the letters, make the phone calls to our elected officials, try to make people aware of what's going on before it IS too late, and support candidates based upon where they stand, not who they stand with. I do my best every day to help restore America to what it once was, and needs to be again. I don't just write letters to Kelly, Mr. Ward. It's called "walking the walk."
The worse thing about having your head in the sand is that you never know who or what is coming up behind you.