How to distort the truth without lying ?
Who wrote this is of no consequence. Where I found it is of no consequence. The subject matter is of no consequence.
What is of consequence is how easy it is to completely distort what a person says by only using part of the statement. When I was growing up, doing what I'm going to show you was called LYING! Today it just seems to be the norm, often used for political gain. Both sides use it. Left, Right, Liberal, Conservative, Republican, Democrat. It all stinks the same, and it is what we as a nation have reduced ourselves to. 15 second sound bites that only tell a portion of what was said.
The states with more upwardly mobile populations were more likely to be liberal-leaning states, and those with more stagnant populations were more likely to be conservative-leaning states.
The states with more upwardly mobile populations were more likely to be liberal-leaning states, and those with more stagnant populations were more likely to be conservative-leaning states. But it is not clear if that correlation is causal; the report does not explain how public policy or other factors may have affected people's chances of evolving from rags to riches.
A LIE is a LIE no matter how you dress it up!
- -- Posted by lamont on Fri, May 11, 2012, at 8:30 AM
- -- Posted by royincaldwell on Fri, May 11, 2012, at 9:22 AM
- -- Posted by wh67 on Fri, May 11, 2012, at 9:48 AM
- -- Posted by arsenal on Fri, May 11, 2012, at 10:42 AM
- -- Posted by royincaldwell on Fri, May 11, 2012, at 1:14 PM
- -- Posted by wh67 on Fri, May 11, 2012, at 9:57 PM
- -- Posted by royincaldwell on Sat, May 12, 2012, at 5:51 AM
- -- Posted by wh67 on Sat, May 12, 2012, at 7:45 AM
- -- Posted by wh67 on Sat, May 12, 2012, at 10:13 AM
- -- Posted by lamont on Sat, May 12, 2012, at 9:04 PM
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