Thoughts from an old progressive
Roy Pratt

Reality ??

Posted Thursday, May 3, 2012, at 6:33 PM
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  • Roy:

    this issue has been around a lot longer than Carter has pills. It has never been a political one considering that each generation of women have met certain challenges.

    Quite frankly, I am a little disappointed that you would think that it had merit at all.

    In Victorian times, a woman's money was not her own, but her husbands.

    We were not allowed to vote. We entered the work force in the 40's to help the war cause and promptly were dispatched home when the men came back from war.

    Ms. Maddow is amply compensated for the type of work that she does. She is certainly given free-license to spout her opinion without challenge.

    She does not speak for me as a person who has been discriminated against as far as pay goes. Life is not fair but I don't label it as a partisan problem, but human nature as a whole.

    No matter how prettily the rotten fish is wrapped, it still stinks. And when we keep handing it back and forth to each other, it gets on our hands too.

    As much as I respect you as a person, I probably won't comment on these type of blogs anymore. It makes me sad and a little angry that someone could think that I don't have enough common sense of my own to know that the facts of life are not political issues or partisan ones.

    Keeping it simple and voicing your own opinion gained my respect. This is only throwing out bait to see if the fish will bite the hook.

    -- Posted by KH Gal on Thu, May 3, 2012, at 11:42 PM
  • Bonnie, I'm sorry about how you feel, but I think you missed the point I was trying to make. The point was, that there are people of both political persuasions that fail to see certain truths because it doesn't fit their political agenda.

    The subject matter of the commentary is really secondary(the wage issue).

    The more extreme some peoples political agenda, the more they refuse to see certain things and then stoop to name calling and derision, as opposed to adult discussion.

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Fri, May 4, 2012, at 8:33 AM
  • Some can't see the forest between the trees. Interesting.....

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Fri, May 4, 2012, at 9:52 AM
  • While the article is true, as far as it goes, it leaves out a lot of the facts about this discrepancy. Truth is, there is about a 5% discrepancy in equal jobs, not the 23% this article claims.

    "cherry-picking the data can get you ...what you want if you try hard enough."

    Good try Mr. Pratt! But, no cigar.

    -- Posted by IdahoFrank on Fri, May 4, 2012, at 3:10 PM
  • Another true believer I see!

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Fri, May 4, 2012, at 5:01 PM
  • I wonder what part of "the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U. S. Census Bureau, and the Congressional Budget Office" run contrary to your political agenda Frank?

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Fri, May 4, 2012, at 5:05 PM
  • Based on Mike's and Frank's comments, point made!

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Sat, May 5, 2012, at 3:38 AM
  • *

    Roy, regarding your link to the commentary (blog) of one Raul Relative. It seems that Mr. Relative is a prolific contributor to Associated Content, and will write about just about anything, anytime, anywhere. Associated Content is, by the way, owned by Yahoo and has been suspected of condoning web content creation designed to dilute the effectiveness of competing web search engines. Mr. Relative also proclaims to have 5 college degrees and is working on a sixth (all liberal arts fields).

    My personal experience with individuals having numerous degrees in multiple areas is that all those books smarts often have little practical application in a real world setting.

    As for the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census Bureau and CBO, I could find no reference on any of their web sites to Republican agendas, wars on women or similar interpretive analysis. I did watch the video that was embedded in Mr. Relative's article and found it somewhat amusing that Ms. Maddow's position on the set was to the left of the image of her preferred candidate for President.

    I guess I'll have to step in line with those that have a difficult time wrapping my mind around such drivel as Ms. Maddow espouses and continue thinking for myself.

    -- Posted by wh67 on Sat, May 5, 2012, at 7:10 PM
  • I am amazed everyone missed this!

    The subject matter of the commentary is really secondary(the wage issue).

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Sat, May 5, 2012, at 7:32 PM
  • "Once you control for factors like education and experience, notes Francine Blau -- who, along with fellow Cornell economist Lawrence Kahn, published a study on the 1998 wage gap -- women's earnings rise to 81% of men's. Factor in occupation, industry and whether they belong to a union, and they jump to 91%. That's partly because women tend to cluster in lower-paying fields. The most-educated swath of women, for example, gravitates toward the teaching and nursing fields. Men with comparable education become business executives, scientists, doctors and lawyers -- jobs that pay significantly more."

    (Information from a 2010 Study of the subject)

    -- Posted by IdahoFrank on Wed, May 9, 2012, at 12:42 AM
  • Keep trying Frank. No cigar yet. Men and women in the same exact field, same education. Lord your dense.

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Wed, May 9, 2012, at 6:52 AM
  • Education AND experience. Same exact field. about 5% discrepancy.

    women gravitate toward the teaching and nursing fields. Men with comparable education become business executives, scientists, doctors and lawyers -- jobs that pay significantly more.

    -- Posted by IdahoFrank on Wed, May 9, 2012, at 7:51 PM
  • Frank, what part of same field, same education eludes you???

    You are blinded by your ideology, that's all. Admit it.

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Wed, May 9, 2012, at 8:00 PM
  • Oh Roy, you are so superior in your bio:

    "I don't engage in or tolerate name calling. Name calling reduces an adult discussion to grade school play yard level."

    Then there was this...

    "Keep trying Frank. No cigar yet. Men and women in the same exact field, same education. Lord your dense."

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Wed, May 9, 2012, at 6:52 AM

    -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Thu, May 10, 2012, at 7:35 AM
  • Oh but you still have the freedom in a Military town to sit at the post office holding signs labeling Obama as Hitler with his face on the sign. Now compare Bush's signs to that!

    I can remember at least 30 years ago people Respected their President no matter if he wasn't the party of their choice and you didn't like his Politics. I can also remember NO Military Dependent spoke out in public against sitting presidents nor did they protest or march in protest parades.

    Zook you always want to go back to the 50's, you know as well as I do what goes on today didn't happen back then. Your Hero Roy Rogers sure wouldn't be labeling our President as Hitler

    Yup we have come a long way since then.

    And a little note for our younger bloggers, I'm sure you don't know what I'm talking about...

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Thu, May 10, 2012, at 11:27 AM
  • Mike and OM, no name calling, just statement of fact. I thought same job same education was pretty straight forward, but somehow that doesn't register with Frank.

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Thu, May 10, 2012, at 9:31 PM
  • Roy, your link is NOT the only one I read. Dig a little deeper, and see the real facts for yourself!

    I am not the one who appears to be "dense" here. Read your own comments, and try to keep it civil. I know it will be hard for you, but try anyway! I am not the one "blinded by ideology" here. Look in the mirror. "Name calling reduces an adult discussion to grade school play yard level."

    -- Posted by IdahoFrank on Fri, May 11, 2012, at 1:17 AM
  • Frank you keep going on about same education but different fields. My point is same education and experience in the same field doing the same job. Mine is apples to apples, yours is apples to oranges. Big difference.

    I have been civil. Try reading Buckshot's comments.

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Fri, May 11, 2012, at 5:21 AM
  • Same education and experience in the same field doing the same job. Different results on different sites. Your site shows what you state, but it is not the only site with results. Some show different results (5% discrepancy) Spin it any way you want...

    -- Posted by IdahoFrank on Fri, May 11, 2012, at 9:13 AM
  • Frank, what part of same field, same education eludes you???

    You are blinded by your ideology, that's all. Admit it.

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Wed, May 9, 2012, at 8:00 PM

    "Education AND experience. Same exact field. about 5% discrepancy."-- Posted by IdahoFrank on Wed, May 9, 2012, at 7:51 PM"

    "women gravitate toward the teaching and nursing fields. Men with comparable education become business executives, scientists, doctors and lawyers -- jobs that pay significantly more."

    -- Posted by IdahoFrank on Wed, May 9, 2012, at 7:51 PM

    The second half of this comment is what threw you off, Mr. Pratt. Those women who gravitate to lower paying jobs, such as flaggers, for instance, make less money, percentage wise, IN THE SAME FIELD, WITH THE SAME EDUCATION, than those who choose to become doctors, lawyers, etc.

    In other words, same education, same field, higher paying jobs (read doctor, layer, etc.) approximately 5% lower pay for women.

    Lower paying jobs (read teachers, nurses, flaggers, etc.) The discrepancy increases. NOW do you understand what I said, or is it still too hard for you to comprehend?

    That is about as simple as I can make it!!!

    -- Posted by IdahoFrank on Sat, May 12, 2012, at 3:56 PM
  • I KEEP HEARING about thye shoe throwing incident why???? I dont know anyone who thought that incident was cool.I dont remember the media playing it up as cool.I didnt think it was cool.That incident took place on forgien soil and was considered and insult to the US,it was not and AMERICAN JOURNALIST NOR ONE THAT WAS AFFILITATED WITH AND AMERICAN MEDIA. So why is it brought up as if someone from our country specificaly the left,perpetuated the incident and condone it, they did not.Truthfully the question should have been asked how he got to do that, and how did he get to throw 2 shoes.He should have been DEAD at 1

    THE president condemned the treatment of GOV PALINS children so why such a viseral anger to leaving his 2 girls alone??? They have been subjected to some pretty heavy racist taunts from some very visible people to include MR LIMBAUGH.IS there a perception that they should be subjected to those kinds of taunts because they are who they are??? How about we dont because they are who they are.????

    YOU seem to have a problems with apology's well look at it this way.....THE PUBLIC HAS SPOKEN ON RUSH......THEY WENT AFTER HIS SPONSORS if the same feeling is there about those that were mentioned then you should do likewise.I personally have very bad feelings towards RUSH so therefore I will refrain in this post from commenting on him.I have had problems with all that you have mentioned and have said so.BEAR THIS IN MIND YOU HEAR WHAT YOU WANT TO. DONT WANT TO HEAR SOME THINGS YOU WONT.....ALL THOSE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN SOUNDLY CRITERCISED YOU JUST CARED NOT TO HEAR IT.....FOOD FOR THOUGHT.

    -- Posted by lamont on Sun, May 13, 2012, at 6:54 PM
  • zook.....YOU ARE BEING SARCASTIC......I Dont think he blamed anyone in the first state of the union,I dont think he had a good grasp on what the heck he had gotten into.....my opinion.TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION I DONT KNOW.

    LIKE I said before we give them money that does not buy the country or there way of life.If that is what we exspect than we should only lend with a signed agreement spelling that out.

    Rush didnt apologize he tried to justify what he said and then did it again the next day.I DONT CARE....what I think about him is not something I can do here and do it justice.

    I cannot applaud HOW he tried to change the discourse I CAN applaud that he tried.I hate to say this but for me the sealing of some records dont bother me.....why??? BECAUSE NOBODY IS PERFECT AND IT IS VERY APPARENT THAT THIS MAN WOULD STILL BE UNDERGOING INVESTIGATIONS.THAT PLUS PEOPLE HE EVEN KNEW SLIGHTLY WOULD BECOME PART OF THE CIRCUS.There is and element out there that no matter what a black does or accomplishes if he/she is succesfull it will be suspect and they will dig till they either find something or someone or they will manufacture something.ex; a child eats what is feed them and do you see what was made of it?? HE BECAME RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PASTOR SERMONS.THERE are people who are willing to talk about him but they are not saying what some want to hear.THE gov of hawaii talked about him ....you didnt hear much about it did you?? THERE ARE PEOPLE IN INDONISA WHO TALKED ABOUT HIM SAME RESPONSE.Some one had to know him in chicago he got elected, they are not saying the things some want to hear,you know and I know they are out there asking.Birth Certificate was and insult period.And fit in with and old stereotype.MICHELLE spoke the truth like it or not our hands are not clean,bad timing YES she didnt need to say it YES.Those are there mistakes they have to live with them.

    ECONOMY he will live with, it was created for him and for all practical purposes he cannot affect it very much, couple that with American impatience and he has a problem.I guess some people think we had stimulous today and we should be back on boom street tomorrow.Been here done this before it takes awhile to be truthfull it took us about 10yrs last time.People seem to forget that.


    -- Posted by lamont on Sun, May 13, 2012, at 10:00 PM
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