These two taxes need to go away NOW!!!!
Kinda strange sounding coming from a so called liberal isn't it? Well let me tell you that there are taxes and regulations that are completely unneeded and unfair! Today I'm attacking just 2 taxes almost everbody in Idaho pays.
#1 on my list is a tax that everybody except those on SNAP pays every time you go and buy groceries. And yes I know we get a small tax rebate every year from our beloved government, but have you ever added it up? Come on, really, tax milk and bread and eggs? Taxing something that no one can do without is down right WRONG!!!
#2 on my list is another tax aimed at ripping off those of us who are frugal and buy 2nd hand. Sales tax on an item that sales tax has been paid on once already? Sure sounds like double or triple taxation, maybe more, depending on how often it's sold.
For the life of me, what with all the griping going on about taxes, no one ever brings these 2 unjust and unfair taxes up. Can someone please explain to why everybody is so silent on this issue?
- -- Posted by wh67 on Wed, Jan 11, 2012, at 8:17 PM
- -- Posted by pjluckyman on Wed, Jan 25, 2012, at 3:24 AM
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