My view on OWS
I have finally formulate on opinion on OWS. Like Mike, I'm not afraid of putting my opinion out there, so here it is.
Given that 20% of the taxpayers earn only 5% of all income and have seen only a 18% increase in wages over the last 28 years, and that the upper 1% has seen an increase of 273% in 28 years, and the next 19% grew 65% and the collective 20% collects upwards of 53% in income as opposed 43% in 1979, coupled with the fact that .5% of taxpayers collect 50% of the capital gains, something has to give. Let me make it clear, I do not support or approve of the violence that has been seen in many cities. Looking back in history, most of the major changes in American society as far as wealth distribution has been violent and for the most part been brought on by the determination of the few to hold onto their strangle hold on the wealth of the Republic. The one that comes to mind first was the birth of organized labor. Pure socialism do not work, that has been proven. Extreme concentration of wealth also doesn't work, this also has been proven. Somewhere in the middle lies the answer. I have no problem with those who have accumulated wealth, but I do have a problem with those who have accumulated their wealth at the expense of others by denying them any chance to advance in life economically. With the numbers that have been tracked for almost 3 decades, it does appear that this is exactly what is happening. The strangle hold will be broken, the question at hand is whether it will be peaceful or violent. That decision lies with those who have the strangle hold on the wealth.
I would like to offer an example of clear thinking and responsibility when it came to accumulating great wealth. Henry Ford realized early on that it made more sense to pay his workers a wage sufficient to afford his cars, and that automatically created a larger market. He was derided for this concept, but guess who laughed all the way to the bank? Will there be a resurgence in organized labor? Sadly I believe there will, but much violence will occur, big business has too much of a strangle hold on our government to allow any resurgence without violence. Organized labor has earned it's black eye without a doubt, given it's excesses and behavior starting with the days of Hoffa so I wouldn't expect to see a surge in traditional unions, but more company specific movements.
So, there you have it.
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Fri, Dec 2, 2011, at 10:29 PM
- -- Posted by royincaldwell on Fri, Dec 2, 2011, at 10:50 PM
- -- Posted by royincaldwell on Sat, Dec 3, 2011, at 7:38 AM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Sat, Dec 3, 2011, at 11:29 AM
- -- Posted by royincaldwell on Sat, Dec 3, 2011, at 2:09 PM
- -- Posted by CrazieKids on Mon, Dec 12, 2011, at 8:14 AM
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