Thoughts from an old progressive
Roy Pratt

Well now they’ve gone and done it.

Posted Monday, November 28, 2011, at 8:20 PM
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  • I THINK IT WILL TO SOME EXTENT......THE PROBLEM IS THEY HAVE NUKES.And that becomes the wild card.If india is STABLE then we can cut the pakistanys off if india is not, we have been buying them off.That is really what the money is about.And guess what india has nukes also.That situation is scary for more than one reason.We have to watch them closely,very touchy.

    -- Posted by lamont on Tue, Nov 29, 2011, at 8:51 AM
  • NO PROBLEM,I UNDERSTAND WHERE YOUR COMMING FROM.CONSIDER THIS....AS unstable as the region is the last thing needed is a nuclear exchange no matter who it is.our NUKES ARE FOR THE MOST PART STRATEGIC....I AM SURE WE HAVE TACTICAL,BECAUSE OF POLETICS UNLESS OUR PEOPLE ARE THREATENED OR ATTACKED THAT WAY WE WONT STRIKE FIRST.IF ANY COUNTRY IN THE AREA STRIKES OUR PEOPLE THEY STRIKE NATO AND INVOLVE A LOT OF COUNTRY'S.It's a loose loose for them they will however rattle sabres and that gets dangerous all around.The next move is pakistanes the next 48 hrs will tell us a lot.......latter

    -- Posted by lamont on Tue, Nov 29, 2011, at 10:01 AM
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