Thoughts from an old progressive
Roy Pratt

Once again proof that there is no morality in some BIG businesses

Posted Sunday, November 13, 2011, at 7:28 AM
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  • THIS one IS so simple that it is criminal.I BET THE CEO GOT HIS......THE invester oh well and they want the AMERICAN PUBLIC TO PUT THERE RETIREMENT MONEY IN THE MARKET...YEAH RIGHT.!!!!!!

    This is happening to some greater or lesser degree daily.The fruits of this Nation are being STOLEN BY THOSE WHO HAVE THE POWER....We the people are not asleep anymore... thief beware and that includes our poleticians.

    I would almost BET GOV Walker gets recalled he is just one spin off of to much one side or the other with NO forthought.


    -- Posted by lamont on Sun, Nov 13, 2011, at 10:43 AM
  • I'm not sure this qualifies as "BIG business", but big money connected to the White House. As a former dem gov from NJ and having raised a half million for BHO, I'm sure he thought he was doing big business.

    And as Lamont says "The fruits of this nation are being stolen by those who have the power".

    I'm not sure what Gov Walker has to do with this Lamont. I'd think you'd be more concerned about a former dem gov, and close friend of Obama, who was in charge of MF Global.

    -- Posted by skeeter on Sun, Nov 13, 2011, at 11:31 AM
  • 600+ million in peoples money isn't exactly small, unless you compare it to Madhoff. But he was in a different business. This guy was in a business that keeps screaming we're over regulated. Yeah, right.

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Sun, Nov 13, 2011, at 1:09 PM
  • GOV walker.....has to do with his attempts to slant the laws to benifitt business at the workers espense.IT WAS JUST A THOUGHT SKEETER....WHAT I AM SAYING IS BOTH ENDS GO TO FAR

    DID i miss something I thOught the GOVENOR TRIED TO WARN FOLKS WHAT WAS HAPPENING,AM i wrong?were does it state the gov raised 1/2 mil.And what does the pres. have to do with the futures market.This didnt start with him and it wont end with him.


    -- Posted by lamont on Sun, Nov 13, 2011, at 2:07 PM
  • Lamont: I think this will tell you that Corzine raised half a million for Obama. Is this what we hired him to do? Or either one of them for that matter.

    In 2009, President Barack Obama said he didn't run for office to help out "fat cat bankers," but it appears that he has no problem with fat cat bankers -- or the fat cat law firms who represent them -- helping him.

    Monday night, Obama will attend a private fundraiser hosted by Dwight Bush, president of Urban Trust Bank, and his wife Antoinette, a partner at the international law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, and Flom. Skadden is the firm hired to handle the bankruptcy of MF Global, the large Wall Street firm headed by Jon Corzine, former governor of New Jersey and a strong ally of President Obama.

    Tickets for the event are at least $17,900 per person.

    The Center for Responsive Politics calls Skadden "a clearinghouse for donors to the Democratic Party."

    On it's website, OpenSecrets.org, the Center for Responsive Politics writes, "Though the firm's political action committee has remained dormant recently, individual donors associated with Skadden ... have given hundreds of thousands [of dollars] to Democratic candidates and committees during the past 20 years."

    As previously reported by The Daily Caller, Corzine -- also a former Goldman Sachs chairman -- is a major bundler for Obama's 2012 re-election campaign. Overall, Corzine has raised more than $500,000 for Obama. (RELATED: Jon Corzine's MF Global investigated for missing millions)

    Corzine is also one of Obama's point men for reaching out to Wall Street. Corzine co-hosted an Obama fundraiser at his house in April where tickets sold for $35,800 a piece. He was also present at a White House meeting between Obama and two dozen Wall Street execs and longtime donors.

    -- Posted by skeeter on Mon, Nov 14, 2011, at 5:36 AM
  • Roy: This guy was a lefty crook. No amount of regulation would have stopped this when he is partners with Obama and his crowd and has been for years. I still don't see this as a business, I see it as a money laundering scheme. But we can disagree on the word "Business" I guess.

    -- Posted by skeeter on Mon, Nov 14, 2011, at 5:40 AM
  • Buckshot, you and I agree!

    skeeter, a thief is a thief. There are just as many thieves on the right. Just what would you classify a commodities brokerage house as?

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Mon, Nov 14, 2011, at 6:09 AM
  • SKEETER .....AND????? IF he were giving money to lets say MR CAIN would you be upset?????? Havnt heard you complain about the KOCH brothers money why is that???????.A thief is a thief and the right has just as many in as many high places.AS it is apparent Skeeter you dont like democrates well some of them probally dont like you or the republicans.Me what's good for the goose is good for the gander in the fund raising business.If we really cared we would get the money out of these campaigns,that is what needs to happen,but greed is driving the train.

    ROY THERE ARE A LOT OF INSURANCE CO YOU COULD NAIL DOING THE SAME THINGS.THEY ONLY HAVE TO KEEP 10% available the rest who knows what there doing with it,THATS WHY THEY WANT THE SSI MONEY so they can play even more.That in my opinion would be the biggest mistake this country ever made.

    -- Posted by lamont on Mon, Nov 14, 2011, at 9:34 AM
  • Lamont:

    I would protest the same for Mr. Cain as I do Obama. But the difference is that Obama is our president and has only accomplished one thing, running for office and raising massive amounts of money. If you added up the "big" businesses, the influential and all the others who seem to have unlimited funds for the Democratic Party Coffers, I would like add that the Koch Brothers would be like a minnow in a big pond.

    None of it is right. But especially it is a slap in the face when Obama tells congress to push his bills through on his way to another campaign fund-raiser or tells people that the Republicans won't help him get the country going again.

    there will always be crooks and greed. But the thing to keep in mind is that it is both sides of the fence have greedy unscrupulous people and will continue to do so unless we, as a people put our foot down hard.

    We cannot address any of the problems regarding large corporations or other entities until we hold all of our representatives in Gov't accountable for allowing the corruption to exist.

    Ask yourself one question, who on earth needs a billion dollar campaign war chest when so many people are doing without major services? The accountability starts with our president and works its way down. If he is not willing to impose austerity measures for himself we have a distinct lack of leadership.

    And it does start with him because he was elected to lead this nation. When he fails to do so, everyone and everything else is in a state of chaos.

    I don't want to hear more excuses for him. I want him to stay home and be presidential for once instead of "campaigning on our dime" and raising money for the interests of the Democratic Party and himself.

    A billion dollars would go a long way to supporting many programs that are being cut because of our deficet. Wouldn't it be a great idea on Obama's part to go to these fund-raisers and encourage the donors to make a contribution directly to driving down the national debt? To encourage them to make a $37,500 contribution to a charity that directly benefits the poor, the underemployed or military families?

    Food for thought on all sides. If we simplify the campaign process, it would be cheaper and a better use of time an monies for all.

    -- Posted by KH Gal on Mon, Nov 14, 2011, at 11:08 AM
  • WHY SHOULD HE ???????? I DONT HEAR ANYONE ASKING THE OTHER CANDIDATES TO DO THE SAME.ALSO IS IT HIS FAULT THAT THEY GIVE OR IS IT THE FAULT OF THE DONOR.People degrade this man at every turn and then they want him to put himself at the mercy of others in this campaign.Maybe if they didnt have so many Choices the republicans could give to one and match the funds.Dont get me wrong if I felt the playing field was level I would not care.I HEARD NO ONE STATE THAT PRESS BUSH SHOULD HAVE STAYED HOME BECAUSE WE HAD A WAR GOING ON.There was not one argument about the money he raised,and everyone knows the encumbent has the edge to include the benny's.SORRY WHATS IS GOOD FOR ONE IS GOOD FOR ALL AND HE SHOULD NOT BE MADE THE EXCEPTION THAT HAS BEEN DONE TO HIM ENOUGH.tHE HATE SCORN AND ABUSE HAS BEEN OUT OF THE BOX...IT WASNT DONE TO CARTER.

    Take the money out of poletics for all and I will go along with what you say.I would think that IF the republicans feel strongly for someone that they would do everything in there power to raise the money to get them elected.The KOCH brothes are backing people, they have the money and they want the power over people why arnt they stepping up to the plate.GOV ROMMNEY WANTS TO BE PRESIDENT SO BAD HE CANT THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE AND HE HAS THE FUNDS. HAVE YOU SUGGESTED HE DONATE???

    THIS door was opened by a conservative supreme court and it backfired so we all will have to live with it.

    -- Posted by lamont on Mon, Nov 14, 2011, at 11:46 AM
  • I don't think that I will change your mind any more than you will change mine. However, keep in mind one thing. If we cannot make the President accountable for anything, then how in the world can we expect anyone else to follow suit?

    Yes, I think all of these large contributors should be encouraged to donate their campaign funds to a more worthy cause. If people had to run for office on their own dime, it might be a completely different and more humble election process.

    Obama is not just a candidate, he is the President and therefore should be held to a higher standard. He is on our payroll after all. The other candidates at the present time should observe the same rules too.

    I am getting a little tired of hearing about the Koch Brothers, but if you suggest that any of the large contributors for the opposite party be accountable for their own agendas, you have no clear answer. If George Soros is buying elections left and right it is okay? Or Hollywood pushing their agenda through their celebrity status?

    What is wrong is that we cannot fathom setting priorities concerning the elections and how they have gotten out of hand in spending and the amount of time that they are taking. If we as a nation tell our government, that enough is enough and set a better standard of proper election procedures including streamlining the fund-raising, TV time/commercials and other pursuits, we might see a completely different choice of candidates.

    It is only until we can make our elected officials understand that we have had enough of the excess regardless of party, that we can get our country back on its feet.

    -- Posted by KH Gal on Mon, Nov 14, 2011, at 1:33 PM
  • Way off topic.

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Mon, Nov 14, 2011, at 4:47 PM
  • *

    Right on Roy.

    He/she should've come up with some info for the Education and Disaster Relief that MF Global funded.


    -- Posted by Dave Thompson on Mon, Nov 14, 2011, at 5:16 PM
  • *

    Don't want to get too far off MF Global, but here's some pertinent, disappointing GE info.


    I'm reading Ellen Schultz's book now. It's an eye opener.

    -- Posted by Dave Thompson on Mon, Nov 14, 2011, at 6:30 PM
  • CJW, I said some, not all. Bringing up G.E. IS off topic! If I had said all, then you would be on topic. The topic is MF Global.

    Now now Dave, let's not smear such a great company as G.E.

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Mon, Nov 14, 2011, at 6:39 PM
  • I have NEVER defended the present administration and you know it!

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Tue, Nov 15, 2011, at 9:57 AM
  • *

    GE has ties to the current administration as well.

    "Mr. Immelt is the chair of President Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. He is also a member of The Business Council."

    Read it here.


    -- Posted by Dave Thompson on Tue, Nov 15, 2011, at 10:29 AM
  • *

    Sorry Roy. I just realized that my last was off topic.

    -- Posted by Dave Thompson on Tue, Nov 15, 2011, at 10:44 AM
  • CJW, get over yourself dude.

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Tue, Nov 15, 2011, at 5:43 PM
  • Like I have said more than once, it takes 2 to tango.

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Wed, Nov 16, 2011, at 6:07 AM
  • "skeeter, a thief is a thief. There are just as many thieves on the right. Just what would you classify a commodities brokerage house as?"

    Roy: Sorry it took so long to get back to this. I'd call a CBH a CBH, or a financial institute. When I think of business I've always thought of a product being produced. I could be wrong.

    Using your definition I guess Obama's war chest is a big business?

    -- Posted by skeeter on Wed, Nov 16, 2011, at 4:36 PM
  • .AS it is apparent Skeeter you dont like democrates well some of them probally dont like you or the republicans.Me what's good for the goose is good for the gander in the fund raising business.If we really cared we would get the money out of these campaigns,that is what needs to happen,but greed is driving the train.

    Lamont: Sorry it took so long to get back to this.

    So now you are telling me who I like and who doesn't like me. I'm not sure that is helpful.

    Sure the president influences money flow unless I missed something. I hate what has been done to the economics in this country in less than three years. I can't see how anyone can defend the actions.

    When you first responded to Roy's blog you said something about the CEO getting his and how criminal this was. After you found out the CEO was a close buddy to BHO you changed your tune. Wonder why that was? And then to bring up Gov Walker to divert.

    Six in 10 think this president is an economic fraud.

    -- Posted by skeeter on Wed, Nov 16, 2011, at 4:50 PM
  • OK guys, stay on topic!!!!!

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Wed, Nov 16, 2011, at 6:26 PM

    POINT BEING GET MONEY OUT OF THE POLITICAL PROCESS AND WE MIGHT GET A BETTER GOVERNMENT THAT CARES ABOUT WE THE PEOPLE.DONT TAKE THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT...OK.MY impression is that some here are trying to make the president into a criminal,there is no evidence to that end ,if he is it will come out until then ?????????????

    -- Posted by lamont on Wed, Nov 16, 2011, at 8:57 PM
  • You would think with all the accusations against Obama on these blogs that he would of been impeached 2 years ago. Whats up with that? He's still here ! Must be a bunch of Republican Rhetoric :>) HA !

    -- Posted by MsMarylin on Wed, Nov 16, 2011, at 9:48 PM
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