Thoughts from an old progressive
Roy Pratt

Promote The General Welfare Revisited

Posted Sunday, November 13, 2011, at 6:51 AM
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    I believe that parenthood in this case should over ride automatic citizenship. The parents to which you speak came here illegally and therefore have no citizenship rights. This in my opinion should carry on to the children who are born of those people here illegally.

    When caught, these families should be deported immediately. Moral or not that is what needs to be done. If this was the case more people would likely stay put in their country and not come here illegally for fear of being caught, deported, and Perhaps jailed for breaking the law.

    Most of these people came here with nothing and we as United States citizens owe them nothing but a safe trip back to where they came from.

    -- Posted by IdahoGrumpy on Sun, Nov 13, 2011, at 11:43 AM
  • Well IdahoGrumpy and Mike, the 14th Amendment is the law of the land, and as such must be adhered to. There is no due process to revoke the citizenship of a child who had no choice where they were born and broke no laws. Do we punish based on the sins of the parent? Is that MORAL?

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Sun, Nov 13, 2011, at 1:21 PM
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    "Moral or not that is what needs to be done."

    -- Posted by IdahoGrumpy on Sun, Nov 13, 2011, at 8:08 PM
  • Buckshot, the Puritan experiment was referring to what happened here before the revolution. Their virtual running of the colony's government where they resided,therefore the 1st amendment. You are entitled to your opinion as to the 14th amendment, but as I've said before it is the law of the land at the moment. You and I do agree on welfare. I thought I made rather clear in the beginning.

    Now on a side note, sir. If you have read any of my blogs in the archive, you will see I am a rather complex person. I hardly ever see things in black and white. to me there are a multitude shades of grey in the middle. What I do not bend on is when it comes to whether things are morally right or wrong. I favor neither party. In fact I favor none of the existing parties. Please read my bio.

    -- Posted by royincaldwell on Mon, Nov 14, 2011, at 6:02 AM
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