Thoughts from an old progressive
Roy Pratt

This man puts his money where his mouth is!

Posted Thursday, October 20, 2011, at 5:58 PM
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  • I would say that this type philosophy is to empower the person to work for what they have, to make a difference and to feel wanted. I completely agree with this and I think we as a country should be doing much much more of this instead of handing out free money, food (food stamps and unemployment) and taking money from people who worked hard for what they have and give it to someone who does not want to work. The federal government (mostly the Dems) do so much to make the people depend on the government instead of empowering them and make them work for what they want. But I don't think this should come from the federal government because they should stay out of the business of giving out handouts or creating jobs, leave this up to the states and local community.

    -- Posted by CrazieKids on Thu, Oct 20, 2011, at 11:24 PM
  • great story Roy.

    -- Posted by KH Gal on Thu, Oct 20, 2011, at 11:34 PM
  • I am sorry to burst your bubble but the last time the states were giving out things and ensuring peoples welfare....they left out whole groups of people and disenfranchised the others.AND WHEN YOU say people DONT WANT TO WORK.....were does that come from?????? 99.9% OF ALL PEOPLE WANT TO WORK.WHY are we making and assumption based on a talking point that makes us feel superior..It is easy to point a finger when you are not the one without a job.When you are empowered you can holler when your not you are subjugated.....If YOU ARE FROM MTN HOME DID YOU EVER HEAR OF THE SHIFTY 50??? If you havnt ask you will get and earfull about how this TOWN was subjugated.


    -- Posted by lamont on Wed, Oct 26, 2011, at 2:35 PM
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