Thoughts from an old progressive
Almost 65 and retired. Raised by an East Coast liberal. I am also a child of the sixties.
- Welfare or Workfare? (7/19/15)
- The times are changing (6/27/15)4
- This is a Man and a Company that GETS IT! A celebration of what America should be about! (7/4/12)43
- What the next World War might look like (6/25/12)69
- Ever wonder what the air could look like without the EPA? (6/5/12)4
- This is when you don’t get a re-do! (5/15/12)3
- How to distort the truth without lying ? (5/10/12)18
- I really thought it was a joke, really!!!!!!! (5/9/12)29
- Reality ?? (5/3/12)31
- This is for the ABO crowd. You know who you are. (4/22/12)188
- If you could ask Gov. Romney any question, what would it be? (4/16/12)17
- News flash from Fox News (4/15/12)122
- Jesus in the Quran?? Can it be? (4/9/12)17
- Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei NSDAP (4/8/12)12
- National Health Care and an interesting opinion (4/6/12)4
- Profiteering is NOT the American way or is it? (3/22/12)4
- Oil or ? and where should we drill? (3/21/12)38
- What can’t you live without in your kitchen? (3/10/12)11
- The things a “LIBERAL” reads early on Sunday mornings. (3/4/12)24
- T. Boone Pickens, an oil mans point of view. (2/29/12)26
- Recipes (2/29/12)23
- Dinner anyone? (2/28/12)11
- A fairly simple question. (2/27/12)41
- Why in the world are gas prices so high???? (2/23/12)36
- What ever happened to the whole truth?? (2/19/12)17
- The Big Lie (2/12/12)82
- Own an I-Pad or I-Phone?? (2/11/12)
- I wonder just what is being taught in some homes???? (2/8/12)50
- Who’s fault is this? (2/4/12)15
- To the left, right and center. Your opinions please. (1/31/12)52
- 1912 or 2012???? (1/30/12)7
- Could it be that they are really listening??? NAW (1/29/12)9
- Has a war begun in America??? (1/28/12)25
- Over the top? (1/27/12)7
- Since some seemed interested. Absolutely nothing political here. (1/24/12)20
- The passing of a legend. (1/20/12)12
- This aint political, this is freaking SICK!!!! (1/19/12)68
- These two taxes need to go away NOW!!!! (1/11/12)2
- Then and Now (1/1/12)
- Tell me it ain’t so!!!!! (12/30/11)17
- A look at who has raised the debt ceiling the most, by the percentages. Once again I plan on not answering comments unless asked to. (12/30/11)16
- What if???? And I don't plan on commenting on comments. (12/29/11)3
- Are we really as civilized as we proclaim to be??? (12/28/11)15
- Can anyone give a rational justification for this situation???? (12/28/11)9
- The End of Free Lunchism ?? (12/28/11)4
- ALCOHOLISM (12/17/11)7
- Who appointed anyone to judge another? (12/13/11)89
- We had a chance and we blew it! (12/10/11)90
- Just how much is a human life worth??? (12/6/11)4
- Dinner time! (12/6/11)7
- Newt or Mitt? (12/6/11)51
- An extremely important issue (12/5/11)28
- Just so I don’t hijack Mike’s blog (12/3/11)2
- Can you believe it? (12/2/11)45
- My view on OWS (12/2/11)8
- Interesting things you find in the comments section (12/1/11)20
- Calling all knitters (11/30/11)7
- Well now they’ve gone and done it. (11/28/11)6
- I think this says it all (11/26/11)66
- Just absolutely amazing (11/26/11)28
- Giving Thanks (11/24/11)3
- Censorship? (11/23/11)13
- The Stink Test Round 2 (11/23/11)6
- This is the original blog (11/22/11)20
- I suggest EVERYONE read this! (11/21/11)13
- What this country really needs. (11/14/11)16
- And he wants to be President??? (11/14/11)21
- Once again proof that there is no morality in some BIG businesses (11/13/11)31
- Promote The General Welfare Revisited (11/13/11)8
- An Inconvenient Truth? (11/5/11)86
- I knew this would happen sooner or later. (11/1/11)14
- I guess you could call this a lesson in the REAL world (10/29/11)2
- Sharing a special moment (10/29/11)7
- How the grandkids can surprise you (10/29/11)2
- Evelyn R Pratt U.S.N (10/27/11)5
- Something different to think about. (10/27/11)2
- Humor 10/26 (10/26/11)7
- My attempt at humor for the day (10/25/11)11
- A real slap in the face. (10/23/11)39
- This man puts his money where his mouth is! (10/20/11)5
- Why am I here? (10/20/11)5
- 9-9-9 Simple or simply awful? (10/19/11)83
- Which fits you and why? (10/16/11)4
- This is very disturbing indeed, please read! (10/16/11)16
- When the end is near, the final chapter (10/13/11)8
- And people wonder why I don’t trust big business (10/11/11)34
- When the end is near, an update (10/10/11)7
- Journeys in life (10/8/11)16
- Jobs coming back?? (10/8/11)5
- More from Yellowstone (10/3/11)3
- Some random thoughts (9/29/11)3
- Some more Montana Pics (9/28/11)4
- While on vacation (9/28/11)11
- Something rather interesting. (9/19/11)1
- Money Corrupts (9/19/11)8
- What's it going to take? Non Political (9/17/11)62
- My sincerest apology (9/10/11)45
- The 1st amendment part 1 (9/5/11)1
- And the count down has begun (9/5/11)8
- If you can't take the heat Pt2 (8/31/11)51
- If you can't take the heat (8/31/11)11
- Promote the general Welfare (8/27/11)63
- When the end is near (8/24/11)13
- The eight hundred pound gorilla in the room. (8/20/11)38
- The Stink Test (8/9/11)26
- Something Interesting I found (8/7/11)14
- There really is a solution! (8/5/11)77