Two Lane Highways
Road Trips can be a lot of fun. Especially, if you don't have any particular time-table or destination in mind. David and I took such a trip on the 4th of July.
Our journey began in Saint Joseph, Missouri; where Jesse James had a few run-ins with the law, and if I remember correctly was fatally shot by that the dirty little coward, named Mister Howard.
Saint Joseph is the starting point of the Pony Express and considered one of the jumping off spots for heading out to Oregon Territory.
We didn't have a care in the world for several hours as we viewed the peaceful countryside. Our journey included a brief tour of Calendra, New Market and Decatur City Iowa.
Calendra is the birthplace of Glen Miller, the famous band leader. We took a small detour through the edge of town to see his boyhood home.
New Market is famous for their fun-filled 4th of July Celebration and Parade. If you consider that there are only about 400 or so people who live there, it makes it all the more impressive that they all seem to turn out for the parade with horse-drawn carriages; tractors, floats and a mile of horseback riders with their various mounts.
Can you imagine the planning that goes into this event each year. They have all sorts of contests for people of all ages. I want to go back next year just to experience the entire day with these amazing people.
Decatur City has less than two hundred people within their city limits, but they are famous for their "Dinky Diner." I was really hoping for more than just a picture opportunity, but alas, they were closed for the holiday. It is widely rumored that they made wonderful homemade pies, but I guess I will have to go back another day to find that out for myself.
We hadn't taken a trip like this for quite a long time. And both of us enjoyed it so much.
And no trip is complete without picking up homemade bread and a jar of pickles from an Amish store.
I am hoping for more little trips to the countryside. Maybe even take the grandkids with next time. Although, I must admit that having David all to myself was the best part of the trip for me!
Take Care Everyone!
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Jul 28, 2014, at 12:21 AM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Mon, Jul 28, 2014, at 6:44 AM
- -- Posted by kcsdad on Mon, Aug 4, 2014, at 10:51 AM
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