Entitlement Disorder
I am inventing a new disease called "ENTITLEMENT DISORDER. It strikes all walks of life whether you are young or old; rich or poor.
Is it contagious? I am beginning to think so. In the interest of fairness to those of you who seem to be sensitive to Common Sense, I am issuing a Spoiler Alert, so that you can turn the page and read something else.
What is an entitlement? In playground terms, I would say that the recess teacher is AWOL and all the unsupervised children who are not playing nice.
Some of the symptoms of ENTITLEMENT DISORDER; include but are not limited to:
PRIDE: It is okay to be proud of one's accomplishments in life. However, if you find that your nose is elevated and your sense of balance is off-kilter; it might be advisable to stop and tie your shoes and contemplate a new view of your surroundings.
EXCUSES: No matter what life has thrown you; it is beneficial that a person takes responsibility for their own actions. Failure to do so; dooms someone to a never ending cycle of Victimhood, Martyrdom, or Laziness
RAMPANT MISUSE OF THE PUBLIC TRUST: Taking an oath to service should never be placed in the corner to gather dust simply because an individual has a "weak" moment.
GREED: I believe that Greed and Selfishness are degenerative to a person's soul. Those behaviors rot you from the inside out. Greed is not just about wealth or power. It is like a hunger that can never be satisfied unless you keep feeding the BEAST. The Beast might be Money, Power, Sensual Rushes, or Hoarding.
THE GIVE IT TO ME NOW CRY: This cry can be a quiet build-up to a major tantrum. If any of you have experienced the terrible twos of a child, you will recognize this symptom right away. However, a two-year old is just learning communication and social skills. They have good reason for a tantrum or two when they get over-tired,hungry or thirsty. We, as adults do not have this luxury. We cannot demand that life be wonderful and pleasant for everyone at the same time.
LABELING: I particularly hate labeling. Communication stops when we call each other names. Describing a behavior is not the same as labeling. Not every can on the grocery aisle will be the same size,or contain the same ingredients. However, it should be considered a miracle that every can and jar accepts the concept that is room on the shelf for everyone.
DENIAL: A very dangerous symptom indeed. It is almost too late to treat this if we let allow media influences to cloud our judgement or depend on scientific studies or governmental authorities to manage our thinking process.
All of us were gifted with extraordinary brains, free of charge should we decide to use them.
WHINING: This something that we hear every day from all walks of life. If you are two years old, a nice nap may be order. As an adult; you can make a great deal of money on the talk show circuits or write a tell-all book about your particular cause or injustice in life.
Some days, a person just has to accept that fact that your seat on the teeter-totter may be up one day and down the next. If the person on the other end happens to be heavier, it could be a long wait.
There are a great deal more symptoms of this disorder. However, I choose not to give any more time the symptoms and venture some suggested medications for alleviating this misery.
HUMILITY: Being humble does not mean that you have to lick someone's boots. It does mean that a person has a good handle on their personal well-being and does not feel the need to brag about it from the mountain tops.
REASONS: Reasons are not excuses. It is common sense to look both ways and one more time before crossing a busy road during rush hour. Reasons give you a clear view to making sound choices regarding a healthier approach to living your life.
HONESTY: Your word is your bond. Society should demand accountability to those who fail us by a lack of integrity and sincerity.
GENEROSTIY: Being generous is not putting the biggest pile of change in the offering plate on Sunday. It is about sharing the love that is in your heart every single day. Not judging others because they happen to think differently that you do. Taking the best of yourself and giving it freely to everyone that you meet.
GIVING FREELY OF YOUR SURPLUS: This is an act of generosity that might be the easiest to do if you are thinking in terms of tangible offerings in the way of money; furniture, services, or talents.
THE POWER OF A KIND WORD; goes a long way to keeping civil discourse. It is a choice to fight fair in a debate without making it personal. State your own point of view without demanding that everyone agree with you.
DISCERNMENT: Recognize The Changes in Weather: We cannot always have sunny warm days in our lives. Forecasters can be wrong about the dates and times of rain or snow. It is always good to be prepared on all fronts for any type of change. Live Doppler Radar can be very helpful for thunderstorms and tornado warnings.
PRAISE AND PRAYER. The best cure for ENTITLEMENT DISORDER is recognizing how Awesome Our God is. He gives us so many blessings and love each day. Clergy, Government and Special Interest Groups will never give the the full measure of validation and provision that God does.
I have whined, labeled and offered excuses for my behavior more times than I can count. I have denied the good because I could only see the bad parts of my life. We cannot have peace until we seek the cure of ENTITLEMENT DISORDER.
RESEARCH AND INVESTMENT: Find out what is really going on with your fellow man. Invest in their well-being as generously as you choose to invest in your own.
People are naturally generous without court orders; constitutional amendments or religious dictates. It will not be easy to eradicate this destructive disorder. But I am confident that one good deed and kind word at a time will chip away at this miserable malady.
- -- Posted by lamont on Sat, Feb 8, 2014, at 11:56 AM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Sat, Feb 8, 2014, at 10:01 PM
- -- Posted by lamont on Sun, Feb 9, 2014, at 10:12 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Sun, Feb 9, 2014, at 10:37 AM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Sun, Feb 9, 2014, at 1:06 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Sun, Feb 9, 2014, at 1:06 PM
- -- Posted by OpinionMissy on Sun, Feb 9, 2014, at 2:12 PM
- -- Posted by lamont on Sun, Feb 9, 2014, at 3:18 PM
- -- Posted by lamont on Sun, Feb 9, 2014, at 4:20 PM
- -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Sun, Feb 9, 2014, at 6:05 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Mon, Feb 10, 2014, at 7:42 AM
- -- Posted by ktlm on Mon, Feb 10, 2014, at 8:51 AM
- -- Posted by lamont on Mon, Feb 10, 2014, at 10:03 AM
- -- Posted by TundraRat on Mon, Feb 10, 2014, at 12:04 PM
- -- Posted by lamont on Mon, Feb 10, 2014, at 8:11 PM
- -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Tue, Feb 11, 2014, at 12:13 PM
- -- Posted by Sam_1776 on Tue, Feb 11, 2014, at 3:38 PM
- -- Posted by lamont on Tue, Feb 11, 2014, at 5:59 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Wed, Feb 12, 2014, at 8:19 AM
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