Let There Be Peace On Earth
We have heard that plea countless times in our lifetime and particularly at Christmas Time.
Personal Accountability has been a running theme in my blogs since I started writing them. Along the way, I have discovered a great deal about myself personally and most of all I have found new friends and interests.
So here is a spoiler alert to those of you who read this blog and think that I "preach" too much.
When Jesus came to the earth, it wasn't some ordinary event. He came to show us what the True Love of God was all about. He didn't come to beat people over the head with legalistic laws or fierce dictates of what God was going to do if you didn't comply.
He came to show the wonderful love that God has for ALL of his creation. And by showing that love; our lives would never be the same.
No one will ever make you feel more loved than God. It is just not possible in our present spiritual state. We can catch glimpses of that love with our children, grandchildren or spouses, but it is our personal relationship with Him that makes us better people.
It is my belief that being a Christian is like making the best impression on someone as you possibly can. Sort of like my mom baking her homemade bread. You can smell it baking and love the aroma and if you want a slice, you move it to the counter and wait breathlessly for the first slice of buttered ambrosia of that warm bread.
And then when you understand how good it tastes, you want all of your friends and family to have that wonderful experience too. But not everyone likes homemade bread and no one should force them to eat it simply because of its wholesome goodness. Instead, they must find their own way to desire to please God and to understand how much He loves them so.
What is enticing about the true Love of God is not our scriptures, church or good deeds. They are some of the staples of life, but not the rich dessert that is promised if we eat at the table of life.
It is when you fully understand that God created ALL of us. As I have said many times before, we are All children of God, whether we like it or not.
What you choose to do in this lifetime is your choice. It doesn't guarantee you happiness, contentment or peace. And by the same token, we should not expect anyone else to provide that for us either.
Imagine a world that could fully understand what God truly wants for them in this lifetime. How He desires them to come to Him with joy in your heart and not by fear and intimidation.
I wish for Everyone, a Wonderful Christmas Season with a full measure of peace that will remain in your hearts for the coming year.
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Sun, Dec 22, 2013, at 8:57 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Mon, Dec 23, 2013, at 7:17 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Tue, Dec 24, 2013, at 7:47 PM
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