New Beginnings
On the 8th of this month, our daughter got married and moved out of our home. The house is Very Quiet Now! Too Quiet.
There are lots of toys scattered around our house still, but the grandkids are enjoying life in the country. And we miss them dearly.
David and I have decided on a new course for our own lives too. At this point in time, our little fixer-upper house has become more of a burden instead of a refuge. Even though we swore that we would never move again, we find ourselves making plans to do just that.
Making a change is always a scary thing. Moving takes a great deal of planning and work. If it only took a hour of thinking every day to get everything in order, I would be on the road to the next dwelling in a flash!
All that mental exercise has worn me out! Because we are downsizing, there are hundreds of decisions to be made. What to keep, what to sell and what to give away. Painting needs to be done, a good deep clean from top to bottom is on the list too.
And then there is the other adult child skulking around in our basement. He is not too happy about losing his place in the breadline. Too Bad!
This house has been a drawing board for me to discover my creativity. Some of my decisions have not been good ones, but I have enjoyed many hours of finding the right things to display in my home. There was a time before the grandkids came, that a Saturday drive in the country to small antique stores was part of my weekend routine.
We can enjoy the journey of acquiring lovely things, but there does come a time when they become more of a burden than something to cherish.
Most of my friends here reached that conclusion long before I did. I just wasn't ready to let go of the concept. But a few weeks ago, I looked around and felt tired. I realized then that my stuff owned me and I was not feeling the joy anymore.
I promise to post updates on our newest journey as the summer goes by. I can only hope that some young couple with lots of energy and optimism can see this house as a place to exercise their own creativity.
Good night everybody, I had better get some rest, I have more work to think about!
- -- Posted by Geordey on Thu, Jun 20, 2013, at 6:20 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Thu, Jun 20, 2013, at 8:17 PM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Fri, Jun 21, 2013, at 4:59 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Mon, Jun 24, 2013, at 8:44 AM
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