The Great Debate
Sometimes, our lives get so busy that we forget to breathe. Mine has been like that for the past few weeks. Even so, I am torn between two ideas to write about in this blog.
In my last blog, I wrote about the stars in the sky. They are still on my mind as we approach Easter Sunday. I won't be near a computer next Sunday because I am flying out to Idaho to celebrate our mom's birthday.
God has provided so many beautiful things for us to look at and enjoy. Everywhere is evidence of His Great Love for all of His Creation. No one can possibly argue that point.
Since the beginning of time, we human beings have been the hall-mark of God's Design. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in His Image.
And then He went one step farther, He gave us His Only Begotten Son, knowing full well that some would reject Him and others would seek to kill him.
You see, God wants us to be with Him and not just when we die. Life can't get any better than that.
So who makes our world a miserable place to live in? We do, with our choices in life. Even good people who live out their lives obeying the law, paying taxes and adhering to God's Word are not exempt from getting caught in the cross-fire of another person's greed, anger or violence.
We all see the beauty of the stars in the sky at night. Some of them shine a little more brilliantly than others. Their value is not any more or less than the stars that are only visible through the lens of a telescope.
The stars exist in the universe with planets and other larger burning stars like the Sun. Our own Earth has a certain set of physical laws to abide by to keep its place in the heavens.
God creates life. Since the beginning of Man, we have had opportunities to enjoy the blessings of life. However, like Eve, we also listen to lies and make poor choices that have a lasting effect on our loved ones and a few generations thereafter.
Our lives are so transparent to the world these days. We can argue with perfect strangers via the internet. We know what is hanging on the clothesline in our neighbor's back yard and so do a few other million individuals who live in the cyber world. And even if you aren't computer literate, there is the medium of television or radio.
I think that the Great Debate shouldn't be about social issues or political leanings. Instead, I would suggest that it should involve prayer and discernment.
If our lives were centered around God and not our vain efforts to interpret His Divine Purpose, it would indeed be a different world. It isn't wrong when you happen to disagree with another individual's point of view or even their lifestyle choices.
It is our choice of response that can make the difference between building a bridge or burning one. I have been guilty of those types of responses all of my life. We let the temptation of being right or superior to overshadow the opportunity to see a person as God sees them.
There are those who claim to be Christian and yet turn away the dirty and unwashed. Others claim to know what God really meant by His Scriptures simply because to justify their behaviors. Others scoff and call the idea of God out-dated and old-fashioned. They interject mockery in their mediums of conversation or writings.
The point is that none of us are perfect. Some of us work a little harder in the effort than others do. Knowing the truth of God is a journey of a lifetime. Sometimes, we think that we have the market cornered on what it is like to know God's Will and sadly we do not.
I can only impart what I have personally learned in my travels. They may not be your ideas or choices and that is okay. Time is running out on the opportunities to discover all the beautiful things in life because of the greed and avarice of others.
Jesus lived his life out among us over 2,000 years ago. He didn't have to, but He did. His Purpose was not to justify the legalism of the those who thought they knew God. Nor was it to bring a superficial freedom to those who were enslaved by the Romans.
Instead, I would suggest, that He came to show us God's love in person. To exhibit compassion without justifying sin. To heal and bind up the broken-hearted.
I think that Jesus came to issue the same invitation that God has extended to mankind since the very beginning; to come into His Rest willingly. The invitation has been for us all, no matter where you were born and regardless of your religion or politics.
I ask you to create a little beauty of your own this week. Make your loved ones smile, hug your parents and children a little tighter. Give a stranger your last dollar or encourage someone to give life another day.
Have a great week everyone and stay safe.
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Sat, Mar 23, 2013, at 6:44 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Sat, Mar 23, 2013, at 8:55 PM
- -- Posted by eagle eyes daughter on Sat, Mar 23, 2013, at 9:36 PM
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