A Christmas Blessing
I don't know how everyone else's Christmas went, but mine was blessed with all of my grandchildren. The wonder and love that they convey is a joy beyond measure.
Each child has a unique personality and beautiful eyes. I could kiss them all until they squeal!
Life is too short for angry words, grudges and resentment. Too many of us has known the sorrow that carves out an empty place in our hearts.
My thoughts and prayers go to those in Connecticut whose holiday was rudely interrupted by a tortured soul. Nothing prepares us for this type of loss. But the blessings and memories will come back into mind when their hearts have had a chance to heal from the raw grief that that they are feeling now.
Here are some Blessings that I have experienced in my life:
A reunion with my Dad after years of hurt feelings and sorrow for the both of us. There will never be enough words to describe our reunion in 2001. Peace and Healing always comes with The Power of Mighty Prayer.
The love of my husband, David. His gentle kind nature. His sense of humor and patience. Our friendship with each other and the joy of holding hands.
Having Grandchildren to give me hope for the future.
Having a mother whose heart is filled with love and caring. She has worked so hard to make things beautiful for all of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and taught all of us what marriage was all about.
A Treasure Chest of friends; both old and new. This would include the people who I haven't met in person, but I appreciate their insight and support.
Another Treasure Chest of Family that keeps multiplying. We welcome the babies, the new family members who marry into our big families and the additions of friends who become honorary members of the Allens, Roesberrys, and Birds.
Appreciating the first chapter of my adulthood with the children's father, Werner. He has not been forgotten by anyone who ever knew him. He loved children and was so creative with his woodwork. Courtney and Kelly learned to fish with his patient guidance.
The strength and courage that God has given me when I found myself weak and hurting. There were many times that I thought I could not go on, and He always picked me up and carried me when I couldn't take another Step.
The hugs and kisses of the grandkids.
Each grandchild who nestles close to me on my easy chair. There is no other feeling that matches that in the world.
Each gift of life that comes to us every year. The babies are the most precious of all.
I Invite Each of You To Share a Blessing or Two of an event or person in your life. We are all blessed in some way.
And most of all the biggest Blessing of All. God who was generous to give us His Only Begotten Son, so that we could all have Eternal Life.
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Wed, Dec 26, 2012, at 9:21 AM
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Wed, Dec 26, 2012, at 11:56 AM
- -- Posted by MsMarylin on Wed, Dec 26, 2012, at 12:08 PM
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