The Real War-3rd Edition
Every battle that we face in this world is a spiritual one.
The War on Women is not a discussion of political talking points or the provision of certain medical services being made available to a woman. We are too smart to become someone's political pawn.
No, I believe that there is a moral poverty in the manner that we choose to treat each other. It reminds me of a movie that I once saw where the town's painted ladies became respectable. They re-wrote their own history in an effort to become traditional women who went to church and sat in on the relief society's meetings.
Now the opposite is true, the painted ladies are celebrated as trailblazers for women's rights and the women with more traditional values are scorned.
Women continue to have a very important role in this country. We nurture as mothers; encourage as wives and set our own personal goals as individuals.
Susannah Wesley had 17 children and took the time out every day to pray with her children. John and Charles Wesley went on to be two very compelling ministers and hymn writers. Their work and songs are still remembered today. What would their futures have been like without their mother's love and prayers.
Women today are fighting against each other in a Civil War. How easily we forget that a house divided cannot stand. Sadly, we continue to wound each other without mercy or compassion or keep silent as others do so.
Life has been hard for our gender. For many years, we were subject to the whims and rules of our husbands and fathers. We were not trusted to manage our fortunes, venture out in the business world or allowed to have personal opinions.
For the past 50 years; the sky has been the limit as to what our futures might be. Two generations ago, it was motherhood and apple pie. Now it is breaking the glass ceilings in a man's world.
Our true strength is not defined by a husband; boyfriend, children or co-workers. It is the understanding of our personal relationship with God.
When we are able to comprehend how much that we are loved by God, our lives become richer and fuller. We have more room in our hearts to love. Our ability to express ourselves does not wound someone else.
We don't begrudge another woman's chosen path instead we choose to be true to our principles without denigrating others. It becomes as natural to us as putting on our shoes every morning.
We can disagree with each other and our lifestyle choices without drawing blood or labeling. It doesn't matter what has been said or done in the past. The cheerleader slumber party of "I" is over.
We are being called to unite in a different way to help save our nation and ensure the next generations future.
Our children and grandchildren are looking for us to be an inspirational example. Let's not disappoint them.
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Thu, Aug 30, 2012, at 2:15 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Fri, Aug 31, 2012, at 12:27 AM
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