The Adventures of Corn Dog The Horse
I have mentioned Corn Dog the Bucking Horse in a prior blog. He loved to pick his "moments" to increase his riders heart-rate, if they weren't paying close attention.
Corn Dog had one big adventure that made the King Hill news in the 60's. He ventured where most horses never dare to go. He entered an unoccupied house and proceeded to explore the cellar.
Going down the steps was not a problem for Corn Dog; in fact, he made the trip with relative ease. The journey up, however was not as smooth-going.
I have to exercise a little poetic license here because I was quite young when this event occurred. I would venture to speculate that Corn Dog was discovered by my brothers who came up the hill to milk the cows.
Corn Dog may had been there for hours or an entire day, but not even the promise of a flake of hay tempted him to make a sharp right turn and quite frankly, it was impossible for a horse to maneuver such an impossible angle.
Dad was notified by my brothers concerning the hapless adventurer. After assessing the situation with a couple neighbors, Dad conceded that they would have to cut an opening on the outer wall of the old house.
Free At Last! Corn Dog grandly walked up the cellar steps and through the newly made exit.
Nowadays, this event would be "caught" on tape. But in the 60's we had Ruth Bott; a beautiful and most gracious lady, who wrote a column for the Gazette and the Mountain Home Newspaper. Without Ruth; Corn Dog would not have had his 15 minutes of Fame in King Hill History.
Somewhere in the wide blue yonder called heaven; a cowboy is riding that crafty fame-seeking Corn Dog. I don't know how Corn Dog made it to heaven, perhaps...... he repented of his bucking tendencies.
This tale was based on fact and a young child's memory. No animals were injured in the recounting of this event.
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Wed, Jun 6, 2012, at 7:53 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Thu, Jun 7, 2012, at 8:42 AM
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