Walking the Fence Line
Fixing fence is the one of the hardest jobs on a ranch. I no longer live on a ranch, but I do know what hard work is. Fences are everyone's concern, but nowadays,the "hole" is always your neighbor's side not your own. It used to be that you would respect your neighbor and mend the fence together. If their cows got in your field, a simple phone call resolved the problem. You might even saddle up your own horse and help them gather them up. We need more people who are willing to roll their sleeves up and fix the fence regardless of who your neighbor is.
There are people in this country who need to be reminded that a fence is like the way you should conduct your life. Your posts should be straight and neat. The wire needs to be stretched tight and your gate might be closed, but can still be easily opened. And most of all, we can all saddle
up together and ride the range, it won't matter if you have an Appaloosa, Quarter Horse or Thoroughbred. The cows still have to be gathered, fences have to be fixed, and the range is a wide open space of opportunity for us all.
Taking the week off.
Posted Tuesday, August 2, 2011, at 12:27 PM
I really thought I could crank out one more blog before I leave on my trip. However, life is not too predictable these days.
David was bitten by a spider and is in the hospital receiving "strong" antibiotics. Nothing too serious, but a major crimp in scheduling.
So think happy thoughts and I will be back on track by next week I hope.
Everyone have a great week!
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- -- Posted by MsMarylin on Wed, Aug 3, 2011, at 10:36 PM
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