The Quality of Mercy in the Drought.
The Quality of Mercy can be compared to choices made daily in a rancher's life. Gaining the upper hand against the drought, trying to feed and protect your family and livestock is an ongoing battle.
Our lives are parched for the lack of Mercy in society today. Most decent people choose every day to do the right thing in their place of business or with their neighbors and families.
Unfortunately there is a consortium of rabid dogs who are in the business to profit from the frailties of humanity and lack the compassion to express Mercy to those who are showcased in the headlines.
If you live with animals, you know that there are times when you need to put them out of their misery due to sickness or injury. It is also important to safeguard against the predators who would injure or maim your livestock.
A good rancher takes swift and decisive action to ensure the well-being or safety of his livestock. He knows that there are wolves or coyotes seeking to deceive and maim the very animals that he has been entrusted with.
Being Merciful does not mean that you have to swoon in surrender to current perception of political correctness. It does mean that you should keep in mind that the social contract of civility has a purpose and a pattern.
As we walk the fence line during this time of drought, every imperfection is evident. Fence posts may be rotting or tilting drunkenly. A line of barbed wire may be needing re-stretched or tacked up. The work is never done in this life until the last pole stands straight and the wire is stretched tight.
The meaning of Mercy becomes evident, when you are willing to help your neighbor fix his side of the fence without judgment or censure.
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Wed, Apr 6, 2011, at 12:30 PM
- -- Posted by KH Gal on Wed, Apr 6, 2011, at 12:56 PM
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