The Promise of Spring
Every year, the anticipation of spring becomes more important in our everyday lives. We leave behind the dreary months of winter with a renewed sense of hope. We witness flowers blooming, new life beginning and fields being planted.
Time is going by so fast! It seems as though each month has three distinct movements; Hop, Skip and Jump. And as I get older, that Hop, Skip and Jump seems to have gained an unprecedented momentum!
True appreciation of Spring comes in the adult years. We take more time to smell the flowers and enjoy the newness of baby calves, horses and grandchildren.
The freshness of the air and sunshine uplifts us and makes us energetic and resourceful. Our biggest projects are planned in the spring. Farmers begin preparing their fields, houses are built, people fall in love or welcome new members to their families.
We all need the promise of spring in our lives, all too often, we have the darkness of winter thrust upon us in our personal lives. We lose loved ones, experience hardships that seem almost too terrible to bear or other personal losses that seem to overwhelm us for a period of time.
To me, the Promise of Spring is God's way of telling us that life can joyful and happy again. We celebrate Easter, Mother's Day and Graduation during the season. Our weekends are filled with fishing, picnics and celebrations.
We all know that everything has a time and place, even birth and death. Choosing to live your life as though winter will last forever, shortens it and decreases the capacity for joy. Nor, should we always live as the summer will never end. It will and sooner that you think.
Preceding Winter is the Autumn of your life. It is the time for great reflection. You can make the changes necessary to prepare for another spring or to make your goodbyes.
Enjoy today and what it brings to you. Keep in mind that life will continue to surprise and thrill you if you are able to keep the promise of Spring in your heart.
- -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Apr 4, 2011, at 10:56 AM
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