Walking the Fence Line
Bonnie Bird

Ladies & Gentlemen

Posted Tuesday, March 29, 2011, at 6:56 PM
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    Sorry so late in my reading....

    I soooooooooo agree with this! I work with school kids and their grasp of our language is at best only fundamental. I love words and how they have express emotions and tell a story. There are so many words that I'm sure it's nearly impossible to know them all.

    I remember growing up if I spoke with improper grammar, my mother would say "what?" "What?" "What?" til I said it correctly. I knew she knew what I meant, and sometimes would be frustrated, but she would patiently wait til I was literate. As a mother, I heard my mother's words exit my mouth often towards my children. And I've heard my mother's words and thoughts come out of my children's mouths towards their children.

    It's all appreciated now, ..... what comes 'round, goes 'round"

    If you live in the United States, there really is no excuse for poor grammar. It just sounds right.

    I do a "Word of the day" with kids....and we all learn new and fun words. Then I challenge them to go out and use the words on others, to see what the reaction is. Some do more than others, but they all do from time to time, and it makes them seem surprisingly smart to others. They come back and tell me about it.

    And what harm can it do to learn obscure words that you can throw around from time to time? Better than throwing around "F" bombs!

    -- Posted by jessiemiller on Mon, Apr 4, 2011, at 10:17 AM
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